Tuesday 22 May 2012

Please take a moment to thank & Day 17 of the 30 Day Challenge

We are all lucky. Very lucky. I dont think we understand how lucky we are. I know, you all have heard this a billion times and it alwasy goes through one ear and come out the other but stop and think for a while. How lucky are you? How lucky are you to have a roof over your head and a floor beneath you and four walls around you to keep you safe. How lucky are you to have food on the table and get access the things we take for granted each day such as food, eater, shelter, access to legal and medical aid just to name a few. We go to school or work each day and come home and usually the only thing we have to worry or stress abuot it what is for dinner or the amount of homework or assignments piling up on your desk. While they worry about if there will be chance for a meal today, or what will happen tomorrow, will they be able to eat tomorrow? Where will they sleep tonight? What are they doing to do when winter comes around? Wouldn't you consider yourself to be lucky? Or do you consider your self to be unlucky because you dont have the latest gadget and all your friends do. I mean where has humanity gone? It seems to have vashined out of thin air. Hardly anyone these days feels the need to be thankful for what we have.
Its funny, all this occured to me while in legal studies a month or so back. And ever since then, a day has not gone buy since i thought abuot it. Thought about what? Well we were doing textbook work and there was a photo of a very sad looking man who looked very cold and hungry and sad, sitting in an old dirty bed with a few sheets covering his body and a beanie over his head. His bed was situation between two walls on what looked like a foot path. He was looking down and had dirty all over his face. I can not take that mental imagine out of my head no matter how many times i have tried. It might seem very weird  but there is a clenching feeling in my heart whenever i think about that picture. The sad thing is, there are thousands, millions of people out there all over the world facing the same and even more detrimental situations. Some of them have probably never seen a loaf of bread in there life. Why is the world so cruel? I wish , i really do wish i had the ability to bring light back into these peoples worlds. No one, no one deverves  to be unhappy. Everyone had the right to be happy and smile. But why arnt all these millions of people doing just that? Why do they have such cruel fate. You know, this has been going on for thousands of years, this social inequailty. But, no one yet, and i dount anyone ever will, will find a solution to this. It is not possible to help all these people single handedly. Working as a team it will be possible but then think about it, how many people would actually be bothered to work hand in hand to try and achive equality thoughout nations. It really saddens me to know that what i am writing will probably not be taken into consideration. Maybe some of you dont even care about this. I dont know. But whoever you are and whatever  your stance is, I hope you are thankfull that you are one of the lucky ones who dosent have to worry about if there will be any food on the table tonight or what they are going to do for winter because they have no clothes.


A picture of your family. Talk about them

My parents, lets see. Well my mum makes amazing food as so does all mothers around the world. Yes my life depends on food. My dad and me have alot in common. Our way of thinking and approaching and resolvgin situations is identical. My dad is kind of like my inspiration. He has done so many things that I too want to do.  He is a pHd in Science, has written in International Journals, Written books, Is the editor of a scientific journal called wetland and is even in the book called "Who is who is science in engingeering" a book with names of prestiguous scientists and engineers. Daddy even studied at Imperial College of London. Those are just some of the things he has done. He has done so many more things which i admire him for. As for my mum, she is a wonderful person who is a kindy teacher at the best primary school in the world (Campsie Public School). She basically left her carrer path as a scientist and left her pHd mid way just so she can take care of me at home and stay with me. I honestly would not have been the perosn I am if it wasnt for my mother. She too is my inspiration. She tought me so many things that i wouldnt have learnt if i was left around in child cares.

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