Wednesday 29 August 2012

I've been waiting for this day since year 7 :')

I can not express in words or actions how happy I am that there is no more sport. I have been dreaming of this day ever since year 7 and now its here. But my only regret is that i could not enjoy the last sport class ever of high school. Today was supposed to be the last sport class and i was going to go and actually do sport for once in my high school life. However, i chose to stay home :(
Prelims are so close, its only 4 days away. Why the eff is time going so fast? I don't want to go to year 12, I'm not even tall enough D:

In a matter of months we will be graduating high school and going in different directions. We will possibly never see some of our class mates again. The outdoor shelter will be deserted. There will be no more lunch times spent nagging teachers for our test papers. Everything will be so different.
You know, I wonder if we have matured. I see my friends and my classmates around me and they look the same. To me they never grew up, I never grew up. I'm still the same old girl who got her hand stuck in the vending machine and refused to let go of my coke and started crying because i thought i was going to die :L
Life will never be the same again without the class of 2013.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Macbook pro

So after much anticipation, I finally got my Mac Book! I thought i wasn't going to get it until the holidays but my dad took a spontaneous decision to buy a Samsung Gallexy Tablet thing and said he would buy me a mac book as well =D. Yay me :) I'm still getting used to it, there is so much to explore with the mac book o.O

I didn't  get a chance to study all day which means i will be cramming tomorrow for the prelims which is next week D: Time is going to fast, were (my grade) going to be in year 12 in just a few weeks. Year 12 is going to fly by and then BOOM! Were in uni.

Anyways, I'm getting tiered. These days nothing even remotely interesting happens so i can't blog about anything. I have also completely neglected my diary from July, it's nearly september now.

Friday 24 August 2012

I give up

Preliminary Exams creeped up sooner than i expected. Time is going to fast. Today i realised in legal class how hard prelims are going to be. I thought i knew my legal contest good. Boy was i wrong. I opened the 2011 exam and i died. I guess its my fault because i completely neglected the reform stuff because i didnt feel like it. Now i feel the pain. Maths, no questions asked. I am prepared to see a 20% in my exam. Grah. These days i feel so sleepy because of all the studying. HSC is scaring me now T__T. Anyways, i shall go back to procrastinating and drinking coffee.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Coincidental? a sign? my stupidity?

Okay so this really freaky thing happened. It's probably not freaky or mearly as interesting to you but to me it was quite "wow". So last night i had this weird dream about this guy who i am an aquaintance with. The guy is really good looking and i may or may not have had a crush on him some time back. But thats not the point. I woke up in the morning thinking. WTF? Because it was totally weird, I've never talked to this guy in my life, just met him here and there and BOOM he's in my dreams. Thats not the freaky part, the freaky part is that today i felt like stalking ppl in fb. Since i dont have fb i was using my dad's and i went on that guys page. And there it said it was his birthday today o.O and the most freaky part is not that it was his birthday today and i saw a dream about him, but that... HE WAS WEARING THE BLOODY SAME SHIRT IN MY DREAM AS HE WAS IN HIS DP. and i dont have fb so i havent seen his dp since last year. WTF?

Anyways, you guys are probably thinking im a total nut case who is thinking too much into stupid things such as this, in which case you are right. But yeah, i just thought i should blog about this so i can laugh about it when i get older.

On other bad news... We finish yr 11 in 4 weeks. Need i say any more?