Sunday 6 January 2013

Stealing mangos

So my brother and I wanted to eat green mangos. The one on our tree were small but the one on out neighbours trees were much bigger and they were over the fence where it was public area. So we went there and tried to reach the mango. It was really high up and we couldn't reach it, even with my brother who is really tall,  jumping. We saw a log type thing lying around and tried getting it like that. But it made sounds and we realised that the neighbour might realise. We tried a bit more times before we thought we heard a sound. So we both legged it back to our house. On the way back we picked a mango from our tree which was small but enough for the both of us.


  1. My mum did the same thing a week ago! Except she climbed over the fence into a now vacant property and up the tree

    1. HAHA! i would never be able to do that, thats hilarious!
