Friday 31 May 2013

Same Sex Marriage

I don't understand why people are anti same sex marriage. What is so "wrong" about it? It's two people who love each other getting married. Don't we all dream of the day we can declare our love in front of the world? Then why is this only restricted to men and women. Why cant our fellow homosexual brothers and sisters share in the same dream. Put your self in the same perspective, how would you feel?
I know many politicians bring up the argument of "best interests of the child". I believe that is a shit argument. Being brought up with a mother and figure doesn't ensure best interests of the child. If so then   why do divorced couples have their children still with them? The child born to a divorced couple do not live with both the parents so how does that display best interest of the child? if it does, then in what angle is it not best interests of a child when a homosexual couple want a child? Additionally, many families have domestic violence imbedded in their relationship, surely that is not "best interest of the child". I just don't see why people wont accept them. Why are they letting others suffer? Most of the time it doesn't even affect them so why are they so caught up in making same sex marriage illegal?

If dream of a day when i can marry the man of my dreams why cant a homo sexual couple dream that too?

Wednesday 29 May 2013


Although this is very delayed, our jerseys have arrived! (two weeks ago...)
I haven't had the time to blog in so long, mainly due to my over excessive tendency to sleep. Believe it or not i fell asleep in Earth and Environmental class two times through the documentary that was playing today and on monday. I never sleep in class, so me falling asleep in class is saying something! *cough* hsc is satan possessed *cough* haha! Week 5 is coming to a close which means there are basically only 4 more weeks till my final term aka TRIAL EXAMINATION PERIOD.
W. T.F
Time is going uber fast and I'm not ready for HSC. I have this constant guilty feel that i have not studied enough and that i wont get into my uni course. I remember in a letter i wrote to my self on the 31st of December 2012 to open on the 31st of December 2013 i wrote "i hope your happy with your atar, you got what you put in" (that sentence makes no sense at all) IHLBVBLVB HIHIC that line is haunting me! I know what i want to do, and i think i will be able to get into it, but there is still that overarching fear always at the back of my head saying "what if".


I honestly cant wait to move into my new room! theres a really good view of the station with all the lights from the window. The only thing that is making me reconsider is that it looks like the room the peter pan shadow from once upon a time that came to take the children away. plus i have a huge shadow stuck on my wall of peter pan and a quote form him. Now this wouldn't have been a problem if the shadow wasn't portrayed in once upon a time as a demon possessed thing that basically snatched away your life!

Anyways i really don't have much to update you guys on besides the fact that i am going to vivid sydney with my two awesome biffles next saturday. i have never been to vivid sydney despite the fact i live in sydney T_T shame on me. but this year i am going. yay! i will post up pictures here as well :)

signing out
forger xo.

Monday 20 May 2013

Law or Science Degree?

So the time for University submissions are creeping up. I still cant believe that i am about to graduate in 4 effing months. I really want to get into the University of Sydney because my one of my best friends go there. Although he is in second year Uni now and when i get in he will be 3rd year and i will be first year, i will still get to see him more regularly than i do now! Now the question is, do i choose law or science? All the way from year 9 till the beginning of year 12 i had my mind set on law. But now in year 12 and reaching the end of it im leaning more to science. Science runs in the family with mum being a science graduate and dad being a scientist, but idk i feel like i would do pretty well in law. I try so hard in biology and put half the effort into legal studies and still come in the top 3. So that is what is getting me thinking. If i am good at law without doing as much work, shouldn't that be a better choice for uni?

But then again, you would have to think about the job prospects as well. Although there are many law jobs available there are so many law graduates all over Sydney that breaking through into the law world will be extremely difficult. And as far as i have heard from law students is that the faculty is filled with students who wouldn't think twice before throwing the blade. And knowing me, i wouldn't be able to cope in that environment. But on the other hand the course that i want to get into does not have a good job prospect in Australia. I would have to move away to America or something where i think its a growing field. But moving away from my parents and siblings doesn't seem like the most appealing choice.

Im so confused i don't know what to do. Time has creeped up so fast and now I'm just confused and scared and most of all stressed. Stressed because i actually need to get the marks to get into my uni course. I cant wait till all of this is over and i can just sit quietly in my room and read A thousand Splendid suns again. It was such an amazing book. If you haven't read it, GO READ IT. then go read "the girl from bhagdad" another favourite of mine.

On other news, my singing teacher is about to kill me because i haven't practiced the "sargams" i should have been. I guess its my fault, I've been  to tied up with studying and eating food that i couldn't make the time for singing when clearly i could have. On top of that Puja is coming up soon which means i have to perform. The only thing is i haven't learnt any new devotional songs. Maybe ill pass this year by saying i have my finals.

*SIGH* im so stressed out, i just need to vent to someone. Preferably my sister, but she is so busy with her new born daughter that she hardly has time to go to the bathroom let alone talk to me.

Anywho, i am out. I have an english exam on friday which i am not prepared for. I had a dream my teacher gave me a 6/20 for the essay. i really hope that doesn't happen, i would probably die.

signing off,

forger. xo.

Saturday 18 May 2013

Humanity and Psychological rant

I believe that religion is a branch of philosophy. A way of life prescribed by our forefathers in the hopes that the following generations will grow up to be HUMANS. However, us "intelligent" creatures have abused the whole system and caused wars and bloodshed over what was and is still supposed to be a lovely thing. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for religion, but i would really like to see everyone calm down and unite. That however is too much to ask for in this day and age. Were all caught up with defining ourself with these subheadings that we often forget to introduce our selves for what we are; human. Religion is a really sensitive topic and many people want to stay way away from discussing such things, but i think religion is a highly philosophical and interesting thing to talk about. Putting all emotions and biasses aside, i would love to have a deep and meaningful conversation with someone about religion. But that never works. The only person i talk about religion is my daddy. Kind of brings us together.

Another thing i love talking about is human psychology. I am so intrigued with the human brain, i have always been. Which is why i have my fingers crossed i can get into the course I'm applying for next year in uni. I once had a discussion about how we all have different personas built for every single person we meet. And by that i don't mean a persona for friends, family and outsides, but for each individual. Think about it, we all have best friends, but we all communicate with each one differently. You don't communicate the same way with friend A as friend B. Some ignorant people might say that this is "two faced", but thats going off on a tangent. Its simply human nature. Whilst meeting someone and getting to know them, we automatically categorise them and to some extent get a hint of their nature. Basing on that we speak and affiliate ourselves. Take a moment to step back and think of a time when you met someone new, maybe at a party. Think of how you talked to them and after 20 minutes how that was going and what you guys were talking about. Now think of another time when you met someone new again and talked to them and after 20 minutes, how that went. Both these would have been completely different, because in both instances, we pulled out different personas, based on the individual in front of us.

Now that brings me to my next point. Who are we? Who is the real us? The one with friends? family?. No. We are only our true selves when we are with ourselves. In a room with no one around us. That is when we know who we really are. No matter how close you are with your family or friends, the real you is always hidden for you to see. However, by that i don't mean that no one knows the real "you", there are some people who have, those who are upmost closest to you. Although they haven't seen 100%, they have gotten to see at least 97% of who you really are. And that is as closest than its ever going to get. (Disclaimer: there are exceptions)

I love sitting on the train and just observing people. Each person on the train has their on separate lives. Each built on the obstacles and the things they have faced till that point. And the scary thing is that, we will never know anyones "whole story". We will only know our story. We will never know our parents story and what made them who they are today. Yes we can listen to endless tales but we were never there is person, never there every single second that they have lived to witness what they have. Our parents, who love us so much, and who know the most about us will never know out whole story. Yes we can rant to them, cry to them and laugh to them but they will never know what we feel like every moment of the day. When were at school, in our rooms, at a friends house and so on and so forth. Its so weird. At the end of the day we are all individuals.

Anyways, i have so much more to rant about but you guys are probably already bored. Some have probably already given up by the second paragraph. And you, yes you there reading this. Thank you for reading all this :)

Friday 17 May 2013

Extremly scary moment

So yesterday the most scariest (in a non paranormal way) thing happened. One of my best friends came to school and was like "srestha i have to show you something you going to die! i died!" so i thought it was going to be some weird guy and thats what i was expecting. Instead however, she showed me "my dream guy", a guy who ticks all the boxes i have in my head. Weird. At the end of year 9, beginning of year 10 which was ages ago, i gave this dream guy a name as well. And over the years, and now that i am in my final year of high school and about to go out into the new world i have realised that the name i have given my dream guy is an extremely old fashioned indian name that no one has. Now heres the scary part, this guy who ticks all, and i mean ALL my boxes also happens to have the EXACT NAME i have given my dream guy. When she showed me i literally just stood there with my mouth  gaped. Now i know what some of you are thinking.. "its fate" haha well I'm sorry to disappoint you but this dream guy of mine lives half way across the world and doesn't even know my name HAHA! now that i have burst both our bubbles, have a good day :)

Wednesday 15 May 2013

answer to my last post + YEARBOOK

stupid me. as i was making notes for my next dot point i saw that the next biology dot point was" Describe the inheritance of sex linked genes and alleles that exhibit co dominance and explain why these do not produce simple Mendelian results. And now seeing that i feel like a complete idiot. None the less the answer to my question is that the African and Anglo F1 generation when crossed with another F1 will not provide a 3:1 ratio but a 1:2:1 ratio as the heterozugous animal does not give a dominant allele.

So thats about it, my question has been answered.

On other notes, maths was fun  today because we basically talked about the cartoon which we used to watch when we were young and then bagged out the cartoons that they show today. The yearbook committee got together yesterday to start putting out yearbook together. I have nearly finished templeting the profile and the questions! Now that the year book in underway i have to dig up old old old photos from year 7. Sad thing is i have no idea where they are because i think they all got deleted when we changed from desktop to laptop ages ages back.

*insert sad face*

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Co- Dominance and Mendel's mono hybrid ratio

So i have been studying mono hybrid ratio and incomplete dominance of alleles and so on in biology and i thought of something.
Mendel experimented with pea plants, tall and short (purebred), he then crossed them and the offspring (F1) was tall. So the dominance was of the tall allele. He then bred F1, with another F1 and found that the offsprings were 3 tall and 1 short. This became to be known as the monohybrid ratio. 
Incomplete dominance is when both the alleles are present but neither is dominant over the other and thus both is expressed and visible in the offspring. Such as the roan cattle which has both white and red/brown fur together giving it a roan colour. 
Thinking of all this something came up in my mind. When an African is crossed with an Anglo Saxon, the colour of the offspring is a light brown/olive colour. Therefore, incomplete dominance as neither of the alleles are dominant over the other. Now, if the offspring was crossed with another offspring who had parents that were Anglo Saxon and African, would their offspring (F2) follow the mendelian ratio. As in, would their offspring be, 3 dark and 1 light? or 3 light and 1 dark? 
Does it work differently for humans than plants and animals? I'll probably have to ask my science teacher about this. Anyways, back to studying legal studies.

laters :)