Tuesday 31 July 2012

Final weeks of year 11

I am so scared for yr 12. Yr 11 went so fast! I know it hasnt eneded yet, but it wont take long for until we realise we are in year 12. And worse still, yr 12 is going to go flying and sooner than we know it we will be sitting in that hall doing our HSC. T___________T
The next few weeks are so stressful. I have camp next week, upon my return onto week 5 i have 3 assesments. Need i say more? Exactly 3 weeks after that we have preliminary exams and then BOOM were in yr 12. I have honestly accepted the fact i will be failing maths because 1. we havent even finished the syllabus 2. that leaves me no time to revise anything D: i dont want to move classes. I want to stay in my maths class. Earth and Environment im screwed for. I have completely negelected it and now i feel the pain. I have to go back and revsie from chapter one . Ugh. As for English. I'm screwed. I have to remember a shit load of quotes and techniqes from identity and macbeth and perspective. So much work. My brain is going to explode. Anyways....

I was talking to my sister today, we were talking about the baby and i said that i literally told every tom, dick and harry about my new born niece. The funny thing is that my sister put me on speaker and every time i would talk about the baby, the baby would smile would smile!!!! So my sister got jealous because the baby didnt smile these two days and as soon as she heard me speaking about her she smiled! My life is complete :)

Sunday 29 July 2012


So after waiting 9 agonising months i am finally a aunty! Well not 9 months, it was due on August 10th but my baby niece decided to be early. She was born on the 28th of July ( yesterday ) at 7:45pm! Her name is Hridya Das, nick name : Rapti and im going to call her Saronita. Which is a mash up of my name and my sisters. I am so excited, i cant wait to see her grow up infront of my eyes and see the world! She looks like a duplicate of my sister, with the big eyes, same lips and chubby cheeks she is going to pull in all the guys when she grows up ;) I cant belive im an aunty now. I texted everyone on my contacts list yesterday so sorry if i you got a random text. The next few days years i will be talking non stop about this beautiful little princess. But yeah. I cant wait till she grows up. and here are a few pictures of her ( down below ). She wasnt even one day old when the photos were taken, yet she looks like a week old baby. This ones going  to grow up fast! Welcome to the world little one!

Friday 27 July 2012

Ghosts are real

So yesterday afternoon we had the pleasure of having a subtitute teacher for biology. My friends and I were talking about the Ouija board and how we wanted to do it at camp. The teacher over heard us and told us very sternly that it was a force not to be meddled with. Supposedly her husband and his brother had done it when they were young and their house hasd been haunted, and everyone who had visited had weird things happening to them. She even showed us something that made me shit bricks. She showed me a photo that was taken on fathers day at their house and in the background on the window there was a lady standing. Clear as day. Apperently it was the teachers mother in law. Freaky. Next thing she told us was about Psycic readings and how true they are. She said she was a skeptic and went to do it for fun with her friends. But what the Skeptics told her were so true that she started crying. Apperently psycics can communicate and give messages from the dead who wish to contact. The teacher said that this is what made her belive. They said that they said her sisters husband drowned and that this is how it happened. She was freaked out becase it was exactly how it happened. The teacher had a major car accident when she was pregnant and had broken many of her bones. She said that whilst the psycic reading was taking place she was thinking IN HER MIND is her deceased father in law was with her at that time. The psycic then said that "someone is saying yes and no" the teacher was like "what?" and the psycic said "no at time of impact but yes at hospital". The teacher understood.
Now, whats even freakier is that she says her husband's family can all see ghosts. And somehow her 4 year old daughter has the ability. Now a four year old wont lie about these things. Her four year old talks and see's her deceased grandfather. She can also see peoples face melt. Face melting means that the person is going to die soon. Anyways, there is so much more that she said and I'm getting freaked out by writing this so i shall stop here.

Yesterday, I was so scared I had to call my aunty to come and stay with me until my parents came home. Haha, so thank you Shumi Aunty :) Yesterday was also my Dogs birthday :) She turned 6 :)

There was also a massive cloud over the campbelltown reigon. The sky went full blackwith the cloud and there was a massive storm.  Too bad it only lasted a few minutes :(

Idiots at our school

So yesterday at lunch time this stupid bunch of year 9 boys ( or year 8 ) sat on the table across from us in the outdoor shelter. They usually throw stuff at people, mainly mandarin or orange skins. But that particular day they decided to throw a whole orange. And i happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I just finished my lunch and stood up to put something in my bag and BOOM something hit me on the side of my face. It didnt hurt at that time but my whole left ear felt like it was burning or something. Then i sat down and yafa pointed out that my ear was completly red from the impact and something "exploded" on my hair. Thank you immature boys. Ugh. So Yafa went with me to the bathroom to wash it out. She was hoping to tell them off when she came back but guess what? They were gone. Surprise Surprise! Marija on the other hand was very annoyed at their behaviour and called them a bunch of "precambrian bacteria" *sigh* what biology has done to her.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

When parents are behind you

When parents support you the world suddenly feels complete. So today wasnt exactly the perfect day. I got my Legal Mark back and i was very dissapointed with it. That dosent mean the mark was bad, no no, it was good but not what i expected or really wanted. So i was very dishartened. As a result i bought 2 packets of oreos and sat there sulking away whilst dunking them in my tea. I havent really done anywork today, mainly because of my depressed state of mind. Prelims are coming up very soon and i am very, very scared. I have forgotten all my English notes on Macbeth and Identity adn really dont understand anything about perspective :/ And maths? *insert laughing fit* i forgot everything there too. I hate maths. Yuck. Anyways, my mum and dad made me feel better today after my depressing legal mark. They sat down and went all the possible courses i could do and made me feel that it wasnt the end of the world. They also said that they would be happy if i got an atar of 95. Which made me feel a little less stressed. However, thaat dosent menan my aim and decreased. Im still aiming for 98 atar. I know it will be very very very very hard and competitive. However I am willing to try. Anyway, the point of this post is  to thank my mum and dad for always being here for me and supporting me when i need you. You always make me feel better and understand. So thank you, thank you for always being here. I promise one day i will make you proud.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Conversation with a telemarketer

 Most telemarketers are based in India and I have found that most get quite "excited" when they realise  that you are another fellow indian who has actually picked up the phone and responded to his question rather than hanging up there and then. So today i had an interesting conversation with a telemarketer who didnt understand the fact that I was going to hang up. They also ask really weird questions that are completly irrelevant to the whole topic they called to discuss about. This dude wanted to talk about morgage and instead the conversation went like this.

Telemarketer: Hello mam, if i am not wrong, are you from India?
Me: No why are you asking me this?
Telemarketer : Where are you from?
Me: Why ?
Telemarketer: No, here it says on the data base that your fathers name is Debashish Mazumder. Are  you from Calcutta, India?
Me: Yes, why?
Telemarketer : I am also based in India and calling from there. What is your age?
Me: 16, can you please call back after 6:30 when my dad will be able to talk to you?
Telemarketer: Okat mam. Mam what is your "good name"?
Me: Sarothi
Telemarketer: Ohh like from the Gita?
Me: Yes can you please call back later like i said?
Telemarketer: Okay mam. We are actually from the Morgage compant and we are doing a morgage help fund for your area to.....
Me: I'm very busy please call back later
Telemarketer: Okay mam. Thank you for talking mam. I like you name. Take care mam talk to you soon.

No telemarketer person I will NOT talk to you soon. NOT ever. You freak me out. Your like a pedo all the way in india.

Sunday 8 July 2012

Cant wait for summer

The last week of holidays start tomorrow. It went so fast o.O. And just like last holidays, i havent studied at all. Mainy because  i have a cold and fever. I really want to go back to Jindabyne, the place we went last christmas holidays. I miss waking upto the lake and the whole family sitting on the balcony. Time is going so fast. I cant belive its our last week of holidays D: and last term before year 12. I'm really scared now. My sisters baby is due at the endof this month beginning of next. I am so bloddy excited =D haha anyways, the weather is really nice today and it reminded me of summer. I cant wait for summer. As much as i adore winter, i really miss summer and just basking in the sun. On other news i cant wait till next month because i will finally be getting my mac book =D haha anyways i have nothing else to say. I dont want school to start again. Im not ready :(

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Birthday Party

I GOT MT LICENCE! yay :) haha i was so happy yesterday because i finally  got my licence. I thought i was going to fail but i didnt =D anyways on other news the last weekend was spent celebreating my 16th Birthday Party. Saturday was for my friends and Sunday for my family friends and such. Very fun weekend but very tiring as well. Saturday was a rush i woke up late had to get ready do the deco and then went to pick up the baloons late and order the pizza. I had to go to my aunty's house to get my make up done. By then i was running late and i was stressed out. My curls dropped in the first 10 minutes which sucked but i didnt have enough time to fix it. I spent the whole day circuating among friends to try and spend equal time with everyone. The cake was amazing. We bought it all the way from campsie to remind me of my chidhood. haha. We also had a lot of food left over. Nearly 1/4 of the food we bought. Party was fun i guess, we played chlidish games which is always fun and sat around talking. I also got a chance to ctach up with some friends who i hadnt talked to for a long time.  Cake cutting part always results in cake smudged in my face, Yeep, yafa has striked again and smudged the whole piece all over my face, hair and dress.

Sunday was another party which i was too tired for but had to smile circuate. The cake we bought on sunday was good too. The cake cutting part was fun as well. All the aunties ganged up on me and  gave me "ashirvad" (blessings) in this traditional indian way which scared the shit out of me.  It sounded like she was blessing me for a wedding. I wasnt the only one who thought that. My  brother in law was like "Hey i never knew it was your wedding" That comment scored him in a judo kick :) haha but yeah all in all it was an amazing weekend.

On other news, there is bad news. One of my friends mothers has sadly passed away yesterday morning. Leaving behind a daughter in my grade and a son who is still in primary. The aunty had been suffering from cancer for a few years now and yesterday it all came to an end. I know i cant and wont say that everything will be okay because it never is when something like this happens. But please keep faith that God is alwasys looking upon you. I would like to ask everyone to pray for this family.