Friday 27 July 2012

Ghosts are real

So yesterday afternoon we had the pleasure of having a subtitute teacher for biology. My friends and I were talking about the Ouija board and how we wanted to do it at camp. The teacher over heard us and told us very sternly that it was a force not to be meddled with. Supposedly her husband and his brother had done it when they were young and their house hasd been haunted, and everyone who had visited had weird things happening to them. She even showed us something that made me shit bricks. She showed me a photo that was taken on fathers day at their house and in the background on the window there was a lady standing. Clear as day. Apperently it was the teachers mother in law. Freaky. Next thing she told us was about Psycic readings and how true they are. She said she was a skeptic and went to do it for fun with her friends. But what the Skeptics told her were so true that she started crying. Apperently psycics can communicate and give messages from the dead who wish to contact. The teacher said that this is what made her belive. They said that they said her sisters husband drowned and that this is how it happened. She was freaked out becase it was exactly how it happened. The teacher had a major car accident when she was pregnant and had broken many of her bones. She said that whilst the psycic reading was taking place she was thinking IN HER MIND is her deceased father in law was with her at that time. The psycic then said that "someone is saying yes and no" the teacher was like "what?" and the psycic said "no at time of impact but yes at hospital". The teacher understood.
Now, whats even freakier is that she says her husband's family can all see ghosts. And somehow her 4 year old daughter has the ability. Now a four year old wont lie about these things. Her four year old talks and see's her deceased grandfather. She can also see peoples face melt. Face melting means that the person is going to die soon. Anyways, there is so much more that she said and I'm getting freaked out by writing this so i shall stop here.

Yesterday, I was so scared I had to call my aunty to come and stay with me until my parents came home. Haha, so thank you Shumi Aunty :) Yesterday was also my Dogs birthday :) She turned 6 :)

There was also a massive cloud over the campbelltown reigon. The sky went full blackwith the cloud and there was a massive storm.  Too bad it only lasted a few minutes :(

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