Friday 27 July 2012

Idiots at our school

So yesterday at lunch time this stupid bunch of year 9 boys ( or year 8 ) sat on the table across from us in the outdoor shelter. They usually throw stuff at people, mainly mandarin or orange skins. But that particular day they decided to throw a whole orange. And i happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I just finished my lunch and stood up to put something in my bag and BOOM something hit me on the side of my face. It didnt hurt at that time but my whole left ear felt like it was burning or something. Then i sat down and yafa pointed out that my ear was completly red from the impact and something "exploded" on my hair. Thank you immature boys. Ugh. So Yafa went with me to the bathroom to wash it out. She was hoping to tell them off when she came back but guess what? They were gone. Surprise Surprise! Marija on the other hand was very annoyed at their behaviour and called them a bunch of "precambrian bacteria" *sigh* what biology has done to her.

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