Sunday 31 March 2013

Half yearly exams are coming D:

So my half yearly exams start on tuesday. THATS THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW! Time has gone so fast. Because of the exams the days are going to go flying. The holidays are something i am looking forward to. Last holidays i did minimal work and i don't want to make the same mistake these holidays. The first thing I'm going to do after my exams are over on the 10th of April is just sit in my backyard reading a book. I haven't read a book in so long! I hardly have the time :( I cant wait till the half yearlies are over, it will mark my 50% progression through the HSC! Term three will go flying because its only 9 weeks and then BAM! Last term! I just cant wait till the HSC is over. I will be finally able to experience life! I just cant wait to go and experience the world, hang with my friends, be able to go somewhere and not feel the pressure of homework and assignments at home.

My dad's sister called yesterday from the home land and said that she was coming to Australia for a one month holiday this december. I was cheering! I haven't seen my two little cousins since 2009! They have grown so much (from what I see on Skype). Now i am determined to get my licence because i want to drive them around the place!

On other news, my hair has grown just a few centimetres above by bottom. Very long, the longest its been since when i was 6. When i was 6 my hair was under my bottom.  I really wanted to grow it long but I gained a lot of split ends along the way and now I have to chop some off. So what I'm going to do is get my hair in short layers like i did in year 9. It will be kind of refreshing. I wonder how it will look now, now that my face looks different. Hopefully  good!

Anyways, I should really be studying now, i have to memorise my essay which seems impossible. My next post will be after my half year lie exams!


Wednesday 20 March 2013

Small details

Sometimes I wonder why i have to remember all the key dates and details about someone and the other person never bothers. I'm always the one to remember birthdays, first meetings, funny moments and all and small details about someone like their favourite colour or favourite chocolate or fave ice cream flavour. But its never the same for me. People often forget my birthday or the colour that I like. Some of my closest friends don't even know some things about me. It just feels like sometimes people just don't care and I'm the only the that does.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

#dilemma #belongingtoplaceandthings

So i have decided that i will overtake the masterbedroom as soon as HSC finished. The reason being is that whilst my HSC is going on i have realised how much room i need to store my books and notes and basically everything else in my room. My door no longer opens completely because there is a whole stack of textbooks and folders blocking the way. My table has a pile of books that reachers half way up my massive bookshelf and there is basically loose paper everywhere. Under my bed i have a suitacase of books. Yes a suitacase. My room is becoming too small for me. Ontop of that i have a massive study table and bed which takes up alot of my room.

But heres the dilemma, i don't know if i really want to move to the master bedroom. The master bedroom is kind of like the "spare oom" (NARNIA REFERENCE) at the moment with all the junk that has been neglected over the past yeas. Mainly most of my instruments and toys i have bid farewell too. I have been in my bedroom since i first moved into this house in 2005. Its been 8 years! It has kind of become my home now. Thinking of moving to the next room feels like I'm leaving behind my home. Its this sense of belonging to place i have acquired (link to HSC area of study hehe). I don't know what to do. I really want to move but then at the same time i don't want to. Moving into the new room after HSC in time for UNI will kind of be like a new start.

Another dilemma i am facing is about my table. I have had this massive wooden thing since 1999. 2 whole years before i even started kindy. It has been my table ever since then, it was my table for dumping my toys and everything when i was young, and as i grew older it became a place to stick my stickers and posters and everything. Then came the stage in my life where i actually put books on it with huge ass book holders and now its just covered in books. I really want a new slim white table and i my parents agreed to get me a new one after HSC but just like my bedroom i have gained a belonging to this thing. I know its simply a table but its MY table. Now i don't know what to do. Do i get a new table or do i stick to this one!? I guess i do have alot of time to think about both my table and room but its just in my head. I should really be studying now. My half yearly is in two weeks! then i will be finished with 50% of my HSC term three only has 9 weeks to that will ZOOM by. And then I will only have a term left. Time is going so fast i must make the most of it.

You know, now that i have come to the end of this post i decided that i wont give up my table. Its my table and will always be. I have done homework and study from kindy through to year 12 on this (ongoing process). I've studied for the Basic Skills Test, NAPLAN test, OC test, Selective Test, Preliminary Exam and now I'm Studying for my HSC exam. This table has alot of memories bound to it. I wish my table could talk and tell me all about me from when i first got this table. *Sigh*

As for my room, I'm leaning towards shifting but lets give it some more time and thought.

In other news, i dont have to do etchings for my art anymore HALLELUJAH! but that means that all my time and effort that went into it in term one has now gone down the drain. Now with my different path, there is much to do and not enough time to do it. Hell its due in July that like 4 bloody months away. I graduate in 6 months o.O and Finish HSC in 8 more months. April is right around the corner :(

Saturday 16 March 2013


So I have forced my self to sit down and right this blog. I have been neglecting it since February and its already half way through march. I was going to write on valentines day because it was my last one at school and our grade is so awesomesause that we decorated the school and everything. Because i didn't write it then I shall do it now. Be prepared for a long post because I will be talking about everything i have done which is remotely interesting in my otherwise socially awkward life.

In our school the year 12ers take lead on valentines day. We give our roses, sing-o-grams (which are a  bunch of year 12's singing to one person in roll call), and secret admirer cards. And we have to set this all up the day before valentines day. So on Wednesday instead of leaving at 12:40 like when we were supposed to, we all (about 30-40 of us) went into a portable and started getting everything ready. this meant putting tags on roses and writing out the secret admirer cards. The best part however was when we ordered Pizza. We ordered it online and got it delivered to our school. Not sure if we were allowed. Raymond, Aswathi and Marija were lingering close to the gates that as soon as the pizza delivery came they would run up and get it before any teachers saw. They managed to escape, but just. Anyways basically after we all ate we went home. Valentines day morning we all came to school at 7am. Yes 7am  to decorate the school. We put up balloons, streamers, ribbons and everything. We even decorates the senior area. I think its safe to say that we are THE most bothered and united grade to have ever left MFHS. No other grade has ever done this before and i doubt any grade will be able to replicate this. The day however that started off well didn't go as planned. There was supposed to be an extended roll cal but the person who was supposed to stop the bell was away. *sigh* we are still the unlucky grade :( anyways, when i got home i had my own little valentines day. My grandma was here for this Valentines day and due to my constant nagging on how i don't have a valentine she bought be a rose and my mum bought me a Red wallet which i am cherishing. That was pretty much valentines day.

Once again, we are the most bothered grade. No grade has ever been bothered to come together and dress up in a specific theme. But this year it was decided that all the year 12's would come in camouflage print clothes and bring water guns!. It was fun for teh first part until our teachers came and killed out joy :( It was fun non the less. We ended up all doing the harlem shake and between all the year 12 people i ended getting flung backwards and hitting my head on a pole T____T haha

We went to art express on tuesday and it was bloody amazing. I don't think bloody amazing even begins to describe the artworks. It was actually a time where i was speechless. The standards have been set so high! Looking at my artwork compared to theirs, mine looks like a child's who just learnt how to pick up a pencil. There were so many methods and techniques they used. This person used a simple ball point pen to draw and it was amazing. the amount of detail that went into it is immaculate! i cant even write properly with a ball point pen T__T

So, the assessment free period has begun :( my half yearlies are in two weeks. i have lost all hope in my HSC i have no idea how I'm going to go. At the end of the day if i get into the course i want at my uni i will be ecstatic. but i will have to work hard. i just hope it all pays off. in other news, i got an iPhone XD my nexus was pretty much dead. When i got it on thursday i spent the whole night trying to make it work. First i did and then when i plugged it into my macbook it asked me if i wanted to back up from my iPod. I thought, why not. I did and then BOOM! my iPhone turned into my iPod. i couldn't make calls to add or delete contacts or do anything. So i got really frustrated especially because moments before i sat there and put in all m contacts from my old phone because i got a new sim and all those contacts got deleted *RAGE* mind you this was at 11 something at night and i was tired as hell. And then i reset my iPhone and started from the beginning again and this time i didn't back up from my iPod. The next morning (yesterday) when i woke up i received a message from Vodafone saying that i have already used 250 megs from my 500 i get a month. I was like "da eff" because i was on my wifi the whole time. So I came back from school and i called them up. So what happened was that when the iPhone senses that the wifi signal is weak it automatically uses mobile data T___T thank you iPhone. And then yesterday was another problem. I clicked iMessages on my macbook and then BOOM my settings changed. This time, all those people who has iPhones and wee texting me, their messages went straight to my macbook instead of my phone. so i spent another half hour fixing that.

So that is pretty much my life at the moment. I will try to write more, but really there is nothing interesting going on my my life. After the HSC however PARTY TIME XD