Monday 31 December 2012

Goodbye 2012

So in a few hours 2012 is going to end. A new year, new surprises, new adventures, new people, new tears, smiles, laughs and memories to be made. I honestly have no idea how its 31st December. The year has gone so bloddy fast. I remember blogging about how im going to enter year 11 and now i just completed my first term of year 12!. AHHHHH time is going so bloddy fast and I know that 2013 will go as fast if not faster.

I am going to graduate in 9 months. In september! Im going to be free from high school. I can almost taste the freedom. I keep a diary and looking back at my resolutions i have kept only a few. I am very bad at keeping new years resolutions. But then again they are quite impossible. Like one of my first ones we "stop biting nails" Umm hello? Old habits die hard i am 16 i don't think i will be stopping any time soon! haha :P i don't know what this years new years resolution will be and if i will even make one. I cant wait to write in my new diary! This years one has flowers, i basically gratified over my 2012 one which was green.

The top things that happened in 2012

  1. I went to UN Youth Camp which was an amazing experience. Met so many new people, made great friends and basically enjoyed my self
  2. Went to Manly with Yafa and had Ben and Jerry's ice cream
  3. Dad allowed me to go to Easter Show with my friends. So we went at 7 am in the morning. 
  4. Did the Chilli Challenge with Chantelle and the people from some tv network filmed us
  5. Went out more because my dad said i could and because I'm growing older! FREEDOOOMMM
  6. Became obsessed with youtube blogger Brownmanthinks
  7. Turned 16 and got my Licence
  8. Made new friends who are very awesome
  9. Got twitter
  10. Socialised more and talked with more people
  11. Dropped Chemistry which turned out to be a very bad decision
  12. Welcomed my niece into the world (Hridya)
  13. Welcomed my baby cousin into the world (Neil)
  14. Got a  small job and started saving up money for ENGLAND
  15. Bought stuff with my own money for myself and my parents
  16. Decided what i really want to do in Uni ( I really hope i stick to it )
  17. We bought another house
  18. Became close with my family and my brother
  19. Bought a pair of Doc Martens with my own money
  20. Died my hair
  21. Swam in an ocean
  22. Decided Law was not for me and that I would have probably died if i ended up doing Law at Uni
  23. Gave my brother who is deathly afraid of cockroaches a cockroach for his birthday all wrapped up in a box
  24. Was one of the top 50 Applicant out of 400 for the Youth Advisory Council 2012
  25. Got a chance to go to State Convention to represent my school
  26. Became reserved for Australian Constitutional Convention
  27. Met some pretty awesome scientists
  28. Fell in love with UNSW
  29. Bought my first pair of heels
  30. Bought a magical head band with Yafa 
2012 was undoubtedly an amazing year but not the best thus far. I'm hoping 2013 or 2014 will be one of my lucky years when I can truly experience the world. I have always been an introvert. I'm starting to creep out of my shell and experience the world and meet new people. I think ill continue to do that. I haven't made up my new years resolutions yet, but once i have i shall post them. (I'll do them by tonight)

And thank you to all of you who have read my blog and put up with my rants and random jibberish.

I wish you all a very happy New Years Eve and hope that  2012 - the year that was- was a spectacular one for you.

One Love.

Friday 28 December 2012

Jervis Bay

So on the 26th this blog turned 1 years old! Im so happy I actually kept this blog and used it, unlike the other one which I left to be in a cold dark corner. I feel extremely guilty because i haven't studied at all since school has been out. This is pretty bad considering its my HSC. WHAT ARE YOU DOING SRESTHA? *sigh* i will be studying soon...

On the 26th we went to Jervis Bay which was amazing! So beautiful it was like tumblr beaches! I managed to bring home some sand because jervis bay :) Here are the highlights of the day

  • I swam in the ocean it was so blue and pretty and amazing and basically all the adjectives you can find for anything  good.
  • My brother didn't want to go in so my dad picked him up and threw him in the ocean
  • I built a sand castle =D I didn't want to go alone because everyone was eating so i forced my brother to come with me. And just like an awesome sauce big brother he sat their patiently in the sun while i built a sand castle. 
  • My brother and I had a race to see who could dig the biggest hole and get water. Because we are both pretty stupid we chose an area that would take us years to find water. I ended up digging a hole so big that i fit inside it.
  • I sat in the whole and buried myself in it. Then as usual I couldn't get out so my brother had to pull me out of there.
  • I had the best Ben and Jerry's ice cream "peanut brittle" so effing good!
  • Took lots of pictures
  • slept in the car!
Here are some photos!

Tuesday 25 December 2012


So the world did not end. Im not sure if that is a good thing or a bad things. I mean yes its a good thing because the world didn't end, no one died and all those good stuff. But the down side is  that I now have to do my HSC :( anyways. Its Christmas today! Merry Christmas to you all :) Tomorrow is going to be my 1 year anniversary for my blog. This year has gone by so fast.

Anyways, on the 21st of December I went on a cruise with my  brother and aunty. It was my aunty's work place Christmas party thingo and my brother and i tagged along. It was fun i guess, well the top deck was good. There was a cue guy who was serving all the drinks at the bar. My brother and I kept on going downstairs to go stalk him. The cruise went around the harbour which was really nice. I taught my brother how to cut a dinner roll and put butter on it properly. Mind you he is older than me. He didn't get it, so he took mine and ate it :( So I was forced to eat his. We came home at 1:30 in the morning and went straight to sleep. I have attached some random photos my brother and I took in the day :D

Tuesday 18 December 2012

End of School

So the school year has ended for me. And do you know what that means !? I've just completed 25% of my HSC! WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? O.O WHAT???

Time is going to fast i just got into year 11! This time last year i remember finishing the school certificate being in full happy mode for the holidays. Now... I have a bunch of homework, assignments, and catching up to do.

Yr 12 has made me so sleepy! I woke up at 7 am ate breakfast and at 8:30 i went back to sleep and its now 9:30 (just woke up) and this rate i will get no homework done what so ever. I'm not sure if i should be looking forward to the holidays. I'm not really doing anything. But then again, knowing my parents they will probably spring some vacation on me.
I really want to go to Jervis Bay and swim!

Anyways, now I'm off. Not to be productive but to watch youtube and catch up on once upon a time instead of legal studies and biology :P

Friday 14 December 2012


If you guys have not yet found out I have now found a new obsession. BROWNMANTHINKS. I've been watching hid videos since the begging of the year and I think its about time i declare my "fan girl" attitude towards him.
If you guys don't know who brownmanthinks is i suggest you search him up. He is this effing gorgeous youtube vloger who makes random funny vlogs about everyday life things.
Just like with all my obsessions my friends think he is effing horrendous. But come on, we all know I have good taste. (My friends beg to differ) anyways, I'm going to put a link of his youtube channel down below so go check it out.

Monday 10 December 2012

Its funny how you think you have control

Its funny how some people just fly into your life and think they automatically control you. Now this person hasn't flown into my life but into the life of someone really close to me.

They think that they have the right to dictate someones life, who they talk with, what they do, wear, see, hear , taste and smell. Basically taking over their life. It really makes me laugh because it shows how insecure they are. They don't have the common sense that doing all this will only lead to ones downfall in that certain area.

I am known to speak my mind when I get mad and I have resisted so much from doing so. It really makes me mad when i just have to sit here and watch it all happen. But you know what. I have reminded you of your duties time and time again and if you fail to comprehend then i have nothing left to say. I guided you and showed you the right path as your elder. But if you dont want to listen to someone who is so so so close to you, then i guess i will just sit here with a bag of popcorn. We all know where this going to lead and it wont be good. I stopped telling you because there is no point on speaking to a brick wall, and now this "movie" is going to be great. Honestly darling you need to sort out your priorities and know what the definition of some words are.

Its not going to last for long. Magic comes with a price dearie..

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Museum of Human Disease

So today after school Yafa, Chantelle, Kishani and I went to the museum of human disease in UNSW. It was interesting and the specimens were very cool. But thats not what my blog post is about. It's about what happens to and from. So we got on from macqurie fields station on the museum via Granville train which obviously takes 25 minutes more but us four being the idiots we clearly are decided to get on that train anyway. The time it takes to go from Mac fields to Glenfield is 4 minutes and in that four minutes we were arguing whether to get off and get the next train or stay on this train. The stop came and we got off. We stood infront of the train doors again arguing to get ack on or not. At last kishani who was very confused and frustrated said "GUYS LETS GO" and just as the doors were closing we all got in. The rest of the train ride went with talking and laughing as usual. We got off at Central and needed to get a train to UNSW. Chantelle who was at the front got in the bus (it was a prepaid bus + we didn't know that). Chantelle asked "does this bus go to Anzac road (or parade forgot which one she asked) The driver who was incredibly nice said "yes, you have to buy a ticket from there". I'm not sure what Chantelle heard but we all got on and the bus one by one and slowly sat down while he smiled. He obviously realised that 4 girl who were stressed and tiered just came into the city. Clearly somewhere they have never been before and dosent know how to use public trasport. This is what we get for living in South West Sydney. Chantelle and I, once we start laughing we can never stop unlike Yafa and Kishani who can just turn it off. So the whole ride we got death stares from Kish and Yafa whilst we continued laughing. We finally got off. But at the wrong stop. We had to walk the whole length, from top to bottom of UNSW to get to our place. But once we got there it was fun. After we were finished we went to circular quay and ate food. Food is amazing :) When we were finished and was heading back to the station a stupid bird sat on my bag... well was about to until yafa saved my life. She squawked. Yes you read right. Like a bird and  the bird got scared and flew right acorss my face to which i screamed. I actually thought the bird squawked but it turned out to be yafa :) On the way back we read mX and read very interesting stories such as some lady breast feeding monkeys WTF? and dogs driving. So yeah thats pretty much it. Tomorrow I have a legal excursion. Im hoping the case will be good.