Wednesday 18 April 2012

Looking back in times + Day 7 of the 30 Day Blog

You know its weird how everytime I look in the mirror i cant see a difference in my apperarance, any signs that i have matured or grown older than beofre. Not just be but when i look at anyone who I have known for a long while and seen every day such as my family and basically everyone in my grade, I cant see a difference in their faces. They look the same to me as they did when i first met them. But when I look back at old photos or vidios there is a MASSIVE DIFFERENCE in apperance and everything. Its like I've missed out on a whole chapter or something. Evev beofre I got my ID card this year i was looking at my year 9 one and thinking, I still look the same. BUT when i got my yr 11 ID card I started in amusement at how DIFFERENT i look. Its so weird.
Its not just apperance that freaks me out how different i am its everything. The way I talk and deal with people. The way I type messages or speak to people on the phone or msn. Like this morning I was havinf my coffe <3  (the love of my life) and decided that I would go and check out my old old emails. So i went down to 2009 when i first opened my email address and was reading a few i had sent to  this person. And as I was reading it I was laughing my head off at my email. I also felt a little embarrased and hoped that that perosn had deleted these emails :P ahah but yeah it was a big shock. There so many other emails that i sent to people liek my friends and family and i read them and had a little laugh as well. Its so weird you know. When you are that age or any age you think that you are mature and you knwo what you are doing. But when you look back at it 5 years down the track you see how naive and childish you were. Oh sigh. So yeah I guess thats my little thing that i just wante dto rant about. How times change and how we are so preoccupied with keeping up with societys expectations that we forget to slow down and think and look around to see where we are, what year it is or something rather of that nature.


A picture of an animal or pet you love

My dog :) Ollie (Olivia)