Friday 1 June 2012

Day 25 of the 30 day challenge

What zodiac sign are you? Does it fit your personality?

I am a Gemini,I personally feel that my zodiac sign is a perfect fit.It dictates my personality completley. Here is an example i have found on the internet that i have linked to my personal life.

However, as the sign of the Twins, there is a dual aspect to the Gemini personality, making it difficult for these individuals to stick with any one thing in order to master it. This is so true. I can never stick to one thing. Over the years i have done classical dancing, piano, swimming, tennis, judo and singing. I have left singing two times and took it up again, but am now determined to go through with it. I went through to competition tennis but then left it. I was doing really good in pian and even won a gold medel once but then left it. I have never gone through with one task. Other than that, other stuff about a gemini that fits my personality is that i need freedom and can never be pinned down to one area. I wont be able to live in a house for two long because i will get bored of it, no matter how beautiful it is. I cant be put in one area, like i will never be able to work in an office by myself. I need to talk to people. Or my work has to be people dealing. Thats another thing. Being a gemini, communication is very important. And those who know me, know that i never, ever shut up. Independence. I never like anyone doing anything for me even if its my parents. I want to do everything by myself, like i dont want to depend on others. Like any other gemini i am a non-conformist and do not accept rules and conditions that are accepted in society. I have my own views on the norms and rules in which i live by and those may be unacceptable to others. Another thing that i have as gemini is that I think too much, and feel too little, which has some consequences in many aspects of my life. There are so many other things but that is just a few, basically i would say whatever there is on the internet about a gemini woman is pretty much spot on. Weird yes, but true. Understanding a gemini can be very hard becuase often they dont even know what there on about. Patience is something that gemini's will benefit from. And with that i agree.

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