My life is powered by the thoughts of my imagination. I live my life floating about on clouds and imaging the impossible and noting down the logical. My blog may be a little, may be a little to cheerful and sometimes may contain a strech of unfortunate events. But whatever my blog may contain i hope you enjoy :)
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Okay so today after school I went to watch Hunger Games with half my group because the rest of them didnt end up coming :( haha. I wasnt going to go today but I decided to go because I alwasy put it off, like they went to Harry Potter and i didnt go and same with Breaking Dawn part 1, so this time i decided that i would end up going. AND IM GLAD I DID! It was an amazing movie, i thought it was goign to be those typical movies people make a big deal bout and end up being nothing, but it was actaully really good. I have'nt actually read the book but i will eventually get to it at one point. In my opinion the character profile was very good and they all suited their roles. The movie theater was pretty sweet, why? well because me and yafa found a two seater without any handles in the middle so we gladly took that one, an hour into the movie we found out that the handles on the seats on the left of us (which were empty) could be removed! This was like amazing news because we opened up anotehr 2 and had 4 seats to out selves while the rest of out friends ( on the right ) were stuck with 1! haha :P I think there was a point where i was lying my very spacious bed/seat and watching the movie :p But all in all it was a great movie! I really want to watch "Dark Shadows" it has Johnny Depp in it, one of the most amazing actors every known to man kind! But yeah, i would really like to watch that movie, I'll probably get to it in the holidays. What else? Oh yes, well yesterday my aunty let me know that she is having a baby! YAYAYAYAYYYYYYYYY haha :P i was very happy ofcourse becuase first my sister was having a baby and now one of my aunties is aswell! Very cool :P She is due in November 13th so i am very excited! We celebreated with eating this amazing cake from town hall and laughing around and thinking up names and then laughing about them. I took some photos of this auspicious ocation which i have attached XD haha, this year is going to be one hectic year, so many things are happening and im going through so many things both good and bad. But yeah, before i get into any negativities and ruin this whole happy post i shall leave you too stare at the amazing cake! (though it dosent look that amazing - IT TASTES LIKE HEVAEN IN YOUR MOUTH!) .
Aunty is clearly very happy while cutting the cake and wearing tht superb *cough* hat as seen is the pervious picture :P

Monday, 26 March 2012
So I have returned from UN YOUTH CAMP! the most amazing thing ever, i suggest all you peple, providiing you are in yr 9-12 should go next year! It was amazing, words can not describe how fun it was. I made amazing new friends whom with I hope to stay in contact, and learnt so many things. I got to be the ambasador for Belgium for the three days i was there and sat in the HRC XD and debated on the question of media. I made "allies" with Norway, Italy, Polland and Austria. There was also a general assembly where the guy from "ambasador" Democratic Repblic of Congo came up to me and said how appaerently I concored his country and thus am his allie. So yeah we siad our stance and stuff and decided if we were for or against the resolutions. There was also a debate on the assassination of South Korea's prime minister. Note passing was the best part of it, you write notes like " what is your stance?" or like " what is yoru views on clause 5? strike or ammend?" and you hold it high in the air and facilitartors would come and take it and deliver it to the country you sent it to. I FOUND SKANDAR there was a guy who looked exactly like skandar! but I was too chicken to talk to him :( haha but yeh he did send me a note asking about my stance but i didnt know it was him so i just replied and sent it back on the same paper, if i knew it was him i would have kept the paper (despite the fact how stalkerish that sounds). Haha , I just made myself sound like some creepy stalker! But yeah it was fun, the guy for France looked like he concured France and just came into power, he looked quite evil and yet looked like a king and a politician but yeah. The disco was pretty fun, i dressed up in genie pants and this weird blouse type thing because the theme was arabian knights :) Desert was amazing we had panacota and it tasted like heaven in your mouth haha my newly made friends thought i was goign to die out of excitement. I aldo made an art work xD yeah anyways the whole camp was at calgorry beach and it looked like amanda clark's (from revenge) beach hosue except 10x bigger. There was this god possesed machine which made the most excellent hot choclate, oh so good! I wish i could have carried it home and brought it with me. I leart alot of stuff and it was very interesting , debating there among those people felt like i was actually the ambasador for belgium and felt the pressure! oh and there was a guy with like 8 goats 23 chickens and like 32 birds and some other many animals which i forgot. But yeah what else? We did this ISP or IPS (for got what it was called) thing which was where we all got divided into teams and were each assigned a country or a treaty or a specific group in a country. So, i was part of the syrian rebels, and basically we all debated and discussed what to do to overthrow the current government, then russia, nato and usa gave us information and other tsuff and we all decided what we should and would do. At the end we declined USA's offer and accpeted russaia's one, however russia proved to be a trator and nearly killed us. And at the end the Syrian Government exiled us :( But it was fun, it was probbaly the most fun part of the whole camp. In the first day there was a debte between JB, 1D, Julia Gillard, Lady Gaga and Kanye West, it didnt go so well :p haha but yeah we also got guest speakers, one of which who was very interesting, his name was Neils Marquardt, he was the US Consul General, the other speaker was Andrew (i forgot his last name) he is a journalist for the ABC. He was very boring and was not able to deliver a nice speach or answer our quetsions, i fell asleep three times and had 3 micro dreams as well. Andrew's speach was very artifical, he never got to thd point and was so decriptive that it lost the meaning, and when we asked him questions it felt as if he was repating his speech all over again, or like whenever he diverted from the piece of paper in front of him he was lost. Overall he delivered a very poor speech, but Neils Marquardt guy's speech was very good, and he answered our quetsions very precisely. But yeah i really wish i could go back, i had an amazing time. I really want to go Evatt now :) I wish we had a chance to go down to the beach, it was so beautiful. Even though we couldnt go down to the beach we did have an amazing view from our bedroom and dinner room. Theres a BBQ coming up on the 15th of April for all the delegates, im looking forward to seeing all those amazing people i made friends with =D (especially that skandar dude) above are some pictires from camp... The girl in the blue salwar and short brown hair is deniz :) the girl in the pink top and straight black hair is Isha and I'm the one with the weird genie pants outfit :)
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Are You Studying Law OR Science?
So over the duration of a week i have been thinking, do i want to do law or something science based? I really like the concept of law and i would really love to do it but then again my talent lies in science. Science is something i can achieve good marks at without putting as much effort as i put into legal studies or even English. But then again, something research based on diseases would'nt be a bad idea either. I am so confused, what do i want to study? All this time ive been wanting to study law but now it seems like my choice is altering. I'm really interested in studying medical science. To most elderly ( 30 and above) ethnic people who have migrated and is the first generation here find that medical science is stupid, they prefer medicine. But i dont want t o do medicine and become a doctor, I've never wanted to be a doctor. My parents dont mind what i do as long as I'm happy. But i guess im thinking about what the enthic community will think. Will they look down on me because im following my dreams and studying medical sciene? Do i have to conform to what THEY think is best? Idk. The asnwer is simple, no, i should do what i want to do, what i believe is the right choice for me. I feel as if i can't be constrained to work in an office doing one thing over and over again. I need variety. Being a gemini that is quite normal, that is why i want to do something research based, so I'll be learnign new things and discovering new things every day insted of diagnosing people in one litte office. Im very confised. WHAT DO I DO? Ontop of that i dropped chemistry and took up earth and enviornmental science, the only problem with that is that to study any sciences or medical science i need chemistry!
Time is going so fast, its nearly the end of term one and all these tests are bombarding me! Im going away on camp on friday, this Youth Camp thing which i am very excited for. I want to meet new people and make new friends. I have so much homework, and a very evil maths test on wednesday D:
Oh and today is harmony day people so i hope you guys wore orange today to support and show recognition of Australia's multicultural diversity!
So yeah i am off, bye guys :)
Time is going so fast, its nearly the end of term one and all these tests are bombarding me! Im going away on camp on friday, this Youth Camp thing which i am very excited for. I want to meet new people and make new friends. I have so much homework, and a very evil maths test on wednesday D:
Oh and today is harmony day people so i hope you guys wore orange today to support and show recognition of Australia's multicultural diversity!
So yeah i am off, bye guys :)
Saturday, 17 March 2012
The truth can often be decieving, a harsh reality that you wish you never came to face with. In such position my life now rests. I have witnessed what i thought even a few days to be, what they call, impossible, yet i guess sometimes we are wrong. We are only human. Friends you thought were close to you, people you loved and cared for and thought they would be right there by your side decieve you. They deny it right to your face and you cant see through them because you belive them. People like this, despite the fact that they treat you like a lonesome dog on the street and pay no respect to you, you still love them. Why? Why do we feel so heart broken when we see such things right before our eyes? Why do we spend days crying over that one person who you thought was going to be by your side. Why do we waste tears for no reason when they are infact no reason. Why do we feel so empty and asif nothing can ever go right in the forseable future? Why? Do you have an answer? No, as i presumed. Why is it that it is our dearest who decieve us and carry on with their lives as if nothing is wrong. And one day when they face us they act as if nothing is wrong and presume you dont know the truth. I wish to see these people again, just once and tell them straight up how much they have hurt me. How much i trusted them and how they threw it away like the old dress you never wore or liked. At times like this i wish i never met them, or even if i did, i wish i never knew them well. I wish i never knew them to an extent where it would cause pain when they left without notice. I wish ... But like that song says; "what dosent kill you, makes you stronger". I only hope I am strong enough to face the challenges ahead of me. If there is hope... it lies in your self, no other.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Disney Princesses
So I do not feel like studying at all, im too hyped up about turning 16. I was not going to have a birthday party at all for my 16th until I thought that every year i have one an dim not doing anythign for my 16th. I really want an Arabian Knights birthday party but then decided maybe ill save that for my 18th so i thought up Disney Princesses and Princes :) That seems like a childish yet awesome idea. I mean who dosent like disney princesses? haha, well u see i got so worked up about it taht i dont feel liek stuyding today. I'm wondering if anyone will be bothered enough to dress up as a pricne or princess? My birthday falls in week 8 of term to which is bombarded with assesments so ill have to wait until the holidays :P which isnt bad i suppose haha. but yeah, i want to dress up as Jasmine =D because shes araban and i have thsi thing for the middle east :P But yeah anyways i shoudl really do some studying, but i doubt I'll end up doing anything :/ Anywho, Ciao :)
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Lazy Sundays
So today is sunday and it is a lazy one. I woke up at 9:30am and walked around the house doing nothing. Last night I had planned to do some studying and research on belgium because thats teh country i have been assignmed for the UN Youth camp im going on in 2 weeks time. However i have done nothing, insted i have been watching youtube and eating almonds (Y) i feel like coffe even though i particulary dont like coffe. The best coffe i had was actually on the way to blue mountains it was the BEST coffe ever. I feel like that coffe, but yeah i feel like going somewhere and doing something but theres nothing to do. I feel so restless and stressed gah but i dont know why. I watched Alice in Wonderland yesterday, jhonny dep is such a good actor and anne hathaway, oh she is so geourgoues! Anyways i have nothing to do, well i have alot of stuff to do but i dont fee like doing anything so i am going to continue being a typical moody depressed teenager :)
and so i leave you with this nice picture from tumblur
and so i leave you with this nice picture from tumblur
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
I hate maths. did I ever mention that? so i have a trigonnometry test on friday and im stuck on some questions, and all who know me know very well that if im stressed or dont uderstand a quetsion i will go off my head. But yeah, im scared for the test, and to top things off out common test is the day after i return from camp. Im the only one going to this UN Youth Camp, and now im thinking if it was a mistake signing up. I put my name down for the environmntal club today and i have to help clean the school tomorrow for clean up Australia day! which will be fun i guess :P What else? I tried the online driving test for the first time, I failed. I got 4 or 5 (dont remember how many) wrong :( I also put my name down for this essay compatition for Sydney Law school which im excited for. what else? My friend and I lost money in the ASX game because it went down 58 this morning :( We just bought 70 shares of commonwealth bank and now we're am near boke, we was coming first in school but i guess that all gone now :( hopefully the economy will rise. Its still raining, and very loudy, it just went from very slight hardly can hear to omg i need ear muffs loud in 20 seconds i spent writing the sentance. Anyway, there is so much homework and revision, gah D: This professor from America is coming to stay at our place, one of dads friends, apparently he made some isotopic machine or something and wrote soem books, so it will be very interesting to talk to him. Thats the only thing I'm looking forward to actually. It's now passed my bedtime, yes i have a bedtime even though im in year 11. Its self imposed actually, why? because i have to wake up 6am to study so now i shall go :) goodnight cyber world
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
When your put off by someone
So, have you ever felt so turned off by a person you love that you refuse to belive that it actually happened? Well I have, two times infact. Well you see, today I was doing indepth resaerch *cough* *stalk* cough* on Skandar Keynes, just like all fan girls do. As I mentioned on my earlier posts that he was my dream guy and I have had a huge celbrity crush on him since year 7, and now i am in yr 11. My obsession goe sto such an extent that most teachers even know (some teacher i dont even know) that i have a major crush on skandar and how obsessed I am. So today i stumbled upon his twitter for his fans in where i found him SWEARING, yes SWEARING at his fans directly on their twiiter because they found his personal twitter and added him there. Is this the skandar I have loved since year 7? Why would he swear at his fans? and then he went onto saying " your not famous you dont blah blah blah" WHAT IS THIS? He has just crushed my dreams :'( But yeah, i refuse to belive it, skandar shall always be that sweet person who i sketched him out to be :)
Now to another topic, he had this be safe on the road program the whole say at shcool just for us yr 11 people. The graphic vidioe they showed of accidents and what happens if you speed and al that stuff was actually very.. graphic. haha, 30% of the people watching cried today, 10% left the room, 60% either gasped, had watery eyes , no emotion, or covered their face, But yeah so one of the speakers who i think was completly insane said that if we go to the city we should staple, yes STAPLE some moeny to our underwhere. Like WTF? Her justification was, if you get robbed, the robber wont pull your pants down so you can have money to go home or call a taxi or whatever. That made me think, what if people do that? They money that we ise everyday, who knows where it has been or with who? Maybe it fell in teh toilet or maybe someone did staole it to their undies. Eww anyways, my guitar has been lying in my closet for a year now, i got it last year and i this kid that i used to tutor untuned it and broke my tuner, now it dosent work and all i had learnt of teh guiar i have forgotten. Now i have to wiat till after HSC to learn again from the beggining. I made a cake the other day i will attach pictures of it, the inside was rainbow marbel but i dont have the pictures of that on my laptop so i will uplaod that when I find time to upload them from my camera. Also i did my first ever pen drawing, I have never done a pen drawing because i thought it would turn out disgusting but i think for a first time it looks pretty decent, I will attach pictures of that as well. So yeah now I have homework so i shall leave :) Good day
Now to another topic, he had this be safe on the road program the whole say at shcool just for us yr 11 people. The graphic vidioe they showed of accidents and what happens if you speed and al that stuff was actually very.. graphic. haha, 30% of the people watching cried today, 10% left the room, 60% either gasped, had watery eyes , no emotion, or covered their face, But yeah so one of the speakers who i think was completly insane said that if we go to the city we should staple, yes STAPLE some moeny to our underwhere. Like WTF? Her justification was, if you get robbed, the robber wont pull your pants down so you can have money to go home or call a taxi or whatever. That made me think, what if people do that? They money that we ise everyday, who knows where it has been or with who? Maybe it fell in teh toilet or maybe someone did staole it to their undies. Eww anyways, my guitar has been lying in my closet for a year now, i got it last year and i this kid that i used to tutor untuned it and broke my tuner, now it dosent work and all i had learnt of teh guiar i have forgotten. Now i have to wiat till after HSC to learn again from the beggining. I made a cake the other day i will attach pictures of it, the inside was rainbow marbel but i dont have the pictures of that on my laptop so i will uplaod that when I find time to upload them from my camera. Also i did my first ever pen drawing, I have never done a pen drawing because i thought it would turn out disgusting but i think for a first time it looks pretty decent, I will attach pictures of that as well. So yeah now I have homework so i shall leave :) Good day
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Absurd Dreams
So lately I have been having many weird dreams, most which consisted some of my previous crushes. One of them was extremly weird, it was like I was in the movies, yet it looked like this weird room that seemed very familiar, yet not at teh same time, do you get me? but yeah and teh seats all had these dangerous daggers on them, one for each person to keep (weird and violent i know), but yeah and the seats were all slanted backwards much like the planatarium I went to when I visited India in 2009-2010 some place near that time. But yeah anyways, my dreams dont make any sense. You know i wish this devise was created where you can download or record your dreams and then watch them when you wake up and save it and all. *sigh* not invented yet, lets hope some wacky scientist 1000 years down the track makes something like that. Anyways, I am once again procrasinating, i dont feel liek doing biology :( I have a legal in class essay tomorrow. YAY (not really) After this week finsihes I wil be a bit releaved but then we will ahve speaches in week 8 which is not nice. I'm not scared for my week long of assesments, im more scared of the marks I will get. Anywho, i feel like drawing but i have promised myself that until i finish all my homework and revision stuff i cant draw. I feel like coffe, but i stil havent figured our how to use the absurdly complicated coffe machine in the kitchen. Oh Oh and also i have discovered this app called "shazam" you guys probably already know about it because well because you do, but if you happen to be slow in finding stuff like me you should really download this app. You know thsoe depressing moments when you in a store and you hear a song you really like and want to download and you cant because you dont know the name? Well shaazam is all you need becuase with one touch of a button, shazzam will pick up the tune and tell you the song it is and save the name in the section labelled as "my tags" on the app. SO DOWNLOAD IT! and stop suffering! okay so i just sounded like a telemarketer, clearly i've spent way to much time watching T.V and brandpower advertisements. Now I will go and try to concentrate on biology. Ewww :(
Friday, 2 March 2012
blog theme
After about 57 minutes of causally wondering around the cyber world I have finally found a suitable background that suits me. I want to finsih high school but there is still another year and something months left. Many of my friends say I am foolish for thinking that, and that high school is the best part of their lives, but I really want to grow up! So my parents are thinking of moving towards the city, I dont know if I would like to do that though. I mean I like the concept of moving there, but then again here, where I live, its much more quiet and cosy. I dont know. So next week I am jam packed with tests. Monday I have a in class Legal essay, tuesday i have a driving program at school, Wednesday i have a Earth and Environmental Practical assesment, Thursday I have nothing (yet), Friday I have Biology Practical Assesment Practical and a Trigonometry test which I;m not looking forward too. So what else? I really want to grow up fast, I really do, but time is going too slow :( I made my first body of art for preliminary its good, I love it but my teacher says something is missing, so I'm goign to work with her to see what i can add on monday. Its raining, oh and the Dam has overflowed (Y) but yeah, I;ve started to learn Calligrophy, its soo cool! You should try it sometime, who ever you are. Oh oh o h, I got a progress pencil! Whats a progress pencil? Well its this special type of pencil used for sketching, you insert lead and use it (its like a paser) but yeah its so sexi! Haha, I cant wiat to turn 16! I can finally drive then, however, i heard they are planning to change the rule sometime in june to 16 yrs and 9months, what ever they do they better do it after my birthday. My dads going france this year for some seminar thingo and i was supposed to go, but im not gogin anymore :'( Why? because school has overloaded me and threatened to jeppordise my HSC if i go on a holiday withing school days. Sad isnt it? Also, dad wont be here when I turn 16 :'( He is going to bring my grandmother, all the way from currylands (y) But yeah. I wish I still lived in England, i wonder how different my life would have been then. England is so cool, it has so many wonderful things that Australia dosent have. But Australia is beautiful too i guess. Okay so now I have just started to ramble, and make no sense, so i shall shut up, sign out and do my pile of homework. Eww.
And while I stuffer and do My homework, I leave you with this delightful photograph which I found aftrer 57 minutues of searching for a suitable background image. Enjoy =D
And while I stuffer and do My homework, I leave you with this delightful photograph which I found aftrer 57 minutues of searching for a suitable background image. Enjoy =D
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