Wednesday 26 March 2014

Update on uni life


So i have been really busy with 5 LONG days of uni and work on the weekends! I come home around 7:30-8pm and basically want to collapse on my bed and never get up again. WHAT IS STUDY? but no, in all seriousness though uni is not all the bad, especially since i can turn up in a hoodie and snapback and trackies #southwestensydneyrepresent haha i havent done that yet! But don't worry, winter is coming around and you know what that means... I'm going full hobo mode :) 

So updates on my boring life is that i am surprising so much more social than i was in high school. my levels of socialness (it is now a word) is even blowing me away. i love all my classes and can you even believe that i am even starting to like chem!? I KNOW AMAZING RIGHT? haha. So yeah the friends that i made at uni are all so awesome and then there are the 25 mac fielders who are like a sense of "home" haha  oh how i miss our grade

The past few weeks have been going good, i handed in my first assessment for uni! the quizzes for maths (eww) online are okay except they give like random questions to everyone so you basically can't work with someone -.-' i seem to fall asleep in every stats lecture haha i guess some things don't change. maths and i are a no go zone but sadly statistics is a MUST for psychology! WHY!? do i choose subjects that need maths -.-'

So yeah what else? I am contemplating on making a youtube channel but i have no idea what i am going to upload on there. still a lot of thought to go into it and also there is the factor of time which i don't seem to have any. 

Time managing in uni is so difficult, i haven't ONCE been able to skateboard when i get home because its too late :( what ever happened to my days of skating around the streets with wind in my hair? GIVE ME THOSE DAYS BACK 

so yeah i really have nothing interesting to say besides the fact that my new bio lecturer is from Russia and if you close your eyes HE SOUNDS LIKE DRACULA (just doesn't look it) but yeah, so basically i learn nothing in bio and just imagine what would happen if he turned into a vampire bat and sucks the blood out of the some 600 students in the auditorium. (and now you know why i have no idea what we are learning)

Signing Off.
Forger. xo. 

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