You can find my link to Goodbye 2012 if you CLICK HERE
Alright guys firstly i would like to give a huge huge huge thank you for reading my blog and keeping up with all my rants and shit. You guys have helped me to get to 4050 views in just two years! Although it doesnt seem much, to me that means heaps! I honestly have never thought i would every get this many views. Most of you guys that read this are my friends form school or somewhere but i know that some of you have passed on this blog and recommended it to your friends so thank you thank you and thank you! For both reading it and sharing it! The past two years since i made my blog i was in high school and now i have graduated and will start University next year! This only means one of two things. Either (a) there will be more interesting posts about by life OR (b) there will be more stress, panic attacks and rants you will have to cope with. Either way i will try to entertain you, with my happiness or sadness!
So lets get onto the usual ritual shall we?
5. Got a skateboard and have learnt to ride it really well. I can now skateboard around the streets!
6. Got the skull candy headphones i was eyeing
8. Discovered my love for history and the War of roses
9. Discovered my love for Shakespeare AFTER HSC
10. Made really good long lasting relationships with two of my tutors who are now basically my friends (THANK YOU RANGA AND SHWETA)
11. Moved into the master bedroom which is massive and now i can dance around in it without bumping into anything
12. Managed to bribe my dad into giving me his bookshelf which is massive (I've wanted that since i was a kid)
13. Bought a new family car
15. Lost friends
16. Made friends
17. I actually wrote in my diary more often
18. Gained weight.
19. Lost weight
20. Got a guitar
21. Cut my long hair off. It is no longer upto my waist.
22. Finally got to see my best friend who i haven't seen in 2 years! He is honestly the most sweetest human being ever. Because we hadn't seen each other for so long and he had work he pulled and all nighter so he can get all his work done and get it to court before he saw me. I'm so happy he might be moving closer! Which means i will be able to see him more!
23. My other two best friends and I went down to bondi. I never swam past the shore line and they took me right into the ocean like RIGHT IN. I was scared shitless, but hey what are best friends for yeah? They held my hand the whole time so i wouldn't drown hahaha. So yeah i never jumped or swam through waves ever and that was a first and it was the most amazing time.
24. Spent all my money on books and coffee
25. Had a road trip to wollongong
27. Jigged school
28. I may have gotten over skandar... WAIT WHAT? Yes thats right, after 7 years of crushing on skandar (edmund from narnia) i have decided to let go and move into a once again not that attractive British boy (Robbie Kay)
29. I became really close with a lot of people from my school and made long lasting friendships with them!
30. Went back to my home town campsie a few times, and yes tears were shed
31. MICHAEL BUBLE CD COLLECTION! i have another 3 to go and then i will have ALL OF THEM MUAHHAH
32. Got buble tickets
33. failed maths :)
34. My singing improved despite the fact that i haven't practiced the classical indian stuff for like one and a half years :')
35. took up dancing
36. Made lots of artworks for fun
37. Nearly died of coffee one day. i drank 1L HAHAHA :')
38. Got an iPhone
39. Had too many mental breakdowns during HSC
40. Went through a rough time when my cousin was about to die and i remember praying day and night to let him life. Stupid ass hoe of a bus driver ran over him (this was in curry lands btw)
41. Liberal one and i had a massive sook because I'm a young labor rep and i was so angry! And that proceeded to a massive fight between me and this guy for a week before elections and after, arguing consistently because he was a liberal and lets be real I am not going to let you win an argument
41. Well i realised i have the ability to make people laugh around me (maybe I'm just plain mean and rude and people think thats funny?) the biggest complement i got was from this random girl who i met at a party and she was like "who is she? i havent stopped laughing since i sat next to her"
42. I HAD A NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE! this asswipe decided to drop as at the station (my two best friends and i) and he went 100 in a 60 zone and did an illegal turn and a blue car nearly crash into us.
43. Became closer to my family and my brother
44. I made a bucket list!
So yeah! Thats about it guys. Thannk you all very very very much once again for sticking around. Some of you have followed by blog from the beginning and some just recently. Whoever you are and whenever you started, i just want to say thank you very very much.
Also a huge thank you to everyone who supported me this year. A thank you to my family, my friends, my grade. Thank you for the amazing memories. I have come out of 2013 as a more confident, vibrant and funnier (or meaner) srestha.
Live this year without fear and without hate.
Signing off,
Forger. xo
My life is powered by the thoughts of my imagination. I live my life floating about on clouds and imaging the impossible and noting down the logical. My blog may be a little, may be a little to cheerful and sometimes may contain a strech of unfortunate events. But whatever my blog may contain i hope you enjoy :)
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Saturday, 28 December 2013
Well today i woke up with the mind set that ITS GONNA BE ONE AWESOME SAUCE OF A DAY
which it was initially. Everything was going perfect and nothing was wrong. I was thinking to my self, "well wow, today is turning out to be really good" little did i know that i probable jinxed myself in the process. Because soon after it turned shit. And now i am sitting in my room like an anxty piece of shit just being annoyed and frustrated and feeling UGH. I am just so bloddy annoyed and could really do with a punching bag (humans will be good too). I feel like either screaming at someone really loudly or just running away and hiding. UGH WHY??? I can't even deal right now, why do i feel like this?
I wish i could have started today all over again and prepared for my self for this massive low.
Signing off.
Forger. xo.
which it was initially. Everything was going perfect and nothing was wrong. I was thinking to my self, "well wow, today is turning out to be really good" little did i know that i probable jinxed myself in the process. Because soon after it turned shit. And now i am sitting in my room like an anxty piece of shit just being annoyed and frustrated and feeling UGH. I am just so bloddy annoyed and could really do with a punching bag (humans will be good too). I feel like either screaming at someone really loudly or just running away and hiding. UGH WHY??? I can't even deal right now, why do i feel like this?
I wish i could have started today all over again and prepared for my self for this massive low.
Signing off.
Forger. xo.
Friday, 20 December 2013
I mean we all have to die one day right? haha so hsc results came out...
haha i was so stressed the whole week before i had been having nightmares and all!
i didn't sleep till 3 in the morning contemplating my results
so basically the day bands were out i was up at 4 looking at my phone! then my friend texted and said the results were out so i checked online and was surprised. so after showing my parents one of my best friends from primary came over and we went for coffee! oh and before that my friend who is also my neighbour turned up at my house at 7:30 with chocolates! it was so so so sweet of her :) so yeah the rest of the day was just meh and me dying for today. i also may have eaten half a pizza due to stress haha. so yeah this morning i woke at 5 and then fell asleep and dad came into my room and was like "its 9am" i literally JUMPED out of my bed and reached for my mac and then yeah atar poped up in front of my face.
we were supposed to pop the champagne but mum got sick so i guess we shall have to wait till jan 16 :P
all the stress, tears and blood did me justice at the end! i was scared that i would do really poorly in some subjects because of my internals but i didn't so i was stoked!!! i am really happy with my result because i can get into my dream course!! I'm so happy! i was really worried about disappointing those around me because everyone was so confident in me and i wasn't. Im just happy i made my parents happy. of course according to them i could have done better but at the end of the day i can get into my course and thats all that matters!
now onto my series of uneventful things i get excited about in my life
- my first injury on the skateboard - i was about to fall face flat on the road because it hit a rock but lucky i jumped off in time and only just mildly twisted my ankle
- I GOT EFFING MICHAEL BUBLE TICKETS! and the best thing about them was that i didn't even ask for them, dad just bought them and i think i spent the next hour crying
- we bought a new family car which only mean one thing.... I GET THE GREEN ONE BITCHES!!!! FINALLY THE DAY HAS COME ! i have been eyeing that car forever. THANK YOU DAD
- my niece is turning into a mini me. she listens to the same music i do and basically sleeps in the same position and even behaves like the child me (which is still existent)
- i miss my brother a lot. i walked into his room and saw a picture of us on his bedside table. the room was so empty, no brother to piss the shit out of while he watches wrestling and cricket
- catched up with my legal and english tutor over coffee and it was so fun! they have become more of a friend than anything over this year and just causally talking about life and all the stupid things that happened in life was pretty fun
- i made my art teacher cry of joy with my result. such a shame i couldn't go to the morning tea today -.-'
haha i was so stressed the whole week before i had been having nightmares and all!
i didn't sleep till 3 in the morning contemplating my results
so basically the day bands were out i was up at 4 looking at my phone! then my friend texted and said the results were out so i checked online and was surprised. so after showing my parents one of my best friends from primary came over and we went for coffee! oh and before that my friend who is also my neighbour turned up at my house at 7:30 with chocolates! it was so so so sweet of her :) so yeah the rest of the day was just meh and me dying for today. i also may have eaten half a pizza due to stress haha. so yeah this morning i woke at 5 and then fell asleep and dad came into my room and was like "its 9am" i literally JUMPED out of my bed and reached for my mac and then yeah atar poped up in front of my face.
we were supposed to pop the champagne but mum got sick so i guess we shall have to wait till jan 16 :P
all the stress, tears and blood did me justice at the end! i was scared that i would do really poorly in some subjects because of my internals but i didn't so i was stoked!!! i am really happy with my result because i can get into my dream course!! I'm so happy! i was really worried about disappointing those around me because everyone was so confident in me and i wasn't. Im just happy i made my parents happy. of course according to them i could have done better but at the end of the day i can get into my course and thats all that matters!
now onto my series of uneventful things i get excited about in my life
- my first injury on the skateboard - i was about to fall face flat on the road because it hit a rock but lucky i jumped off in time and only just mildly twisted my ankle
- I GOT EFFING MICHAEL BUBLE TICKETS! and the best thing about them was that i didn't even ask for them, dad just bought them and i think i spent the next hour crying
- we bought a new family car which only mean one thing.... I GET THE GREEN ONE BITCHES!!!! FINALLY THE DAY HAS COME ! i have been eyeing that car forever. THANK YOU DAD
- my niece is turning into a mini me. she listens to the same music i do and basically sleeps in the same position and even behaves like the child me (which is still existent)
- i miss my brother a lot. i walked into his room and saw a picture of us on his bedside table. the room was so empty, no brother to piss the shit out of while he watches wrestling and cricket
- catched up with my legal and english tutor over coffee and it was so fun! they have become more of a friend than anything over this year and just causally talking about life and all the stupid things that happened in life was pretty fun
- i made my art teacher cry of joy with my result. such a shame i couldn't go to the morning tea today -.-'
Friday, 29 November 2013
Day out with the best friend
So yesterday i finally met up with my best friend who i haven't seen in some 2 and a half years and due to this massive time gap the first thing he said when he saw me was "hey you look so much older!" well i guess i do not look like my inner 12 year old haha! jokes aside though i had missed him very very much and yesterday was such a lovely day to catch up! although there wasn't much catching up to do since we have a weekly phone call routine!
So as most of you know i love to plan every aspect of a day or event or whatever out, he on the other hand does not. So today I decided to do it his way and plan nothing and i might say that that was a good idea! Although we had planned to watch insidious 2 and go to the art gallery, we got nothing of such nature done. Rather, we walked around the city from town hall to st james to museum to circular quay and back!
So basically the day went like this
- stayed at dymocks for about an hour just looking at books and reading books and picture books and all. SO MANY SHAKESPEARE AND HISTORY BOOKS I CRIED TEARS OF JOY
- walked a thousand miles to find lindtt cafe. i thought i knew how to get there and so i led the way! 15 minutes later we walked ages far and then he had to pull up the map
- went to this fucking amazing park where there were so many kids playing in the water and rides and we looked so out of place. but alas we let loose of our inner 5 year old and hogged all the slides, swings, rock climbing and all! there was this really cool slide that was massive and you had to climb a rock to get up there and that was probably the best part of the day. all these kids wanted to have a go but i think we hogged it
- we had a swinging competition to see who could go the highest and of course i won (duh)
- there were a lot of fountains and since it was 31 degrees we decided to jump around in the fountains with all the kids
- we also went into this really cool comic book store. I've never been to one and true to the scenes in big bang theory it was filled with normal ppl and then those with black capes and slicked back hair! the comic book store was fun actually might start reading them... maybe... we were supposed to go to the disney store but forgot to :(
but all in all it was a fantabulous day and i got home at like 8 and just a few minutes ago i remembered that there was a few more places we had to visit yesterday *sigh*
also i came home to find my ankle was cut T_T no wonder my ankle was hurting every time i walked haha so this coming week should be pretty chill i spent the WHOLE DAY and i legit mean the WHOLE DAY in bed watching modern family, tudor, criminal minds and disney movies.
So as most of you know i love to plan every aspect of a day or event or whatever out, he on the other hand does not. So today I decided to do it his way and plan nothing and i might say that that was a good idea! Although we had planned to watch insidious 2 and go to the art gallery, we got nothing of such nature done. Rather, we walked around the city from town hall to st james to museum to circular quay and back!
So basically the day went like this
- stayed at dymocks for about an hour just looking at books and reading books and picture books and all. SO MANY SHAKESPEARE AND HISTORY BOOKS I CRIED TEARS OF JOY
- walked a thousand miles to find lindtt cafe. i thought i knew how to get there and so i led the way! 15 minutes later we walked ages far and then he had to pull up the map
- went to this fucking amazing park where there were so many kids playing in the water and rides and we looked so out of place. but alas we let loose of our inner 5 year old and hogged all the slides, swings, rock climbing and all! there was this really cool slide that was massive and you had to climb a rock to get up there and that was probably the best part of the day. all these kids wanted to have a go but i think we hogged it
- we had a swinging competition to see who could go the highest and of course i won (duh)
- there were a lot of fountains and since it was 31 degrees we decided to jump around in the fountains with all the kids
- we also went into this really cool comic book store. I've never been to one and true to the scenes in big bang theory it was filled with normal ppl and then those with black capes and slicked back hair! the comic book store was fun actually might start reading them... maybe... we were supposed to go to the disney store but forgot to :(
but all in all it was a fantabulous day and i got home at like 8 and just a few minutes ago i remembered that there was a few more places we had to visit yesterday *sigh*
also i came home to find my ankle was cut T_T no wonder my ankle was hurting every time i walked haha so this coming week should be pretty chill i spent the WHOLE DAY and i legit mean the WHOLE DAY in bed watching modern family, tudor, criminal minds and disney movies.
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
The oxford dictionary definition of "idiot"
The oxford dictionary defines idiot as
Although i really do believe that should be changed to simply my name. Anyways i feel like a complete idiot and feel stupid right now. I guess it was my fault and maybe i shouldn't have. UGH. Srestha why are you so stupid my love?
Anyways on a positive note i booked my Red P test and fingers crossed i pass so i can drive away into the open! A very very very close friend of mine (probes) who i haven't seen or talked to in about a year emailed me a few days ago! although i only saw it a few minutes ago! and i can't believe to explain how much i have missed her! the idiot stuffed up her phone and now docent have my number T_T but yeah so I'm so glad i heard from her i have missed her so very much!
on a negative note dada went to curry lands today and the usual tears were shed. the house seems to empty! miss annoying him :/ today wasn't a very good day. well it wasn't bad either! my dad still hasn't enrolled me in guitar lessons :/ fingers crossed he will soon. In the meantime i am going over my piano notes and have started to learn bhangra!
bhangra is so tiering but so much fun! with a bit more practice and many hard months down the track i hope i can choreograph my first bhangra to perform at puja!! (that is i they don't kick me out before hand for attempting to dance bhangra in sated of classical indian)
i started this new TV series "reign" and i was up till 3 in the morning watching it and i am absolutely in love with it! so much so i want to just make snow angels in them. did i ever mention how much i effing love history?
anyways guys i am going to resort back to finishing my artwork!
signing off,
Forger. xo.
also i hear ppl downstairs D:
Middle English (denoting a person of low intelligence): via Old French from Latin idiota 'ignorant person', from Greek idiōtēs 'private person, layman, ignorant person', from idios 'own, private'
Although i really do believe that should be changed to simply my name. Anyways i feel like a complete idiot and feel stupid right now. I guess it was my fault and maybe i shouldn't have. UGH. Srestha why are you so stupid my love?
Anyways on a positive note i booked my Red P test and fingers crossed i pass so i can drive away into the open! A very very very close friend of mine (probes) who i haven't seen or talked to in about a year emailed me a few days ago! although i only saw it a few minutes ago! and i can't believe to explain how much i have missed her! the idiot stuffed up her phone and now docent have my number T_T but yeah so I'm so glad i heard from her i have missed her so very much!
on a negative note dada went to curry lands today and the usual tears were shed. the house seems to empty! miss annoying him :/ today wasn't a very good day. well it wasn't bad either! my dad still hasn't enrolled me in guitar lessons :/ fingers crossed he will soon. In the meantime i am going over my piano notes and have started to learn bhangra!
bhangra is so tiering but so much fun! with a bit more practice and many hard months down the track i hope i can choreograph my first bhangra to perform at puja!! (that is i they don't kick me out before hand for attempting to dance bhangra in sated of classical indian)
i started this new TV series "reign" and i was up till 3 in the morning watching it and i am absolutely in love with it! so much so i want to just make snow angels in them. did i ever mention how much i effing love history?
anyways guys i am going to resort back to finishing my artwork!
signing off,
Forger. xo.
also i hear ppl downstairs D:
Monday, 25 November 2013
"A guy like that"
Firstly an apology for ignoring this blog for months now. Although i did have a tonne of things to blog about such as my awesome life after death aka hsc exams and the tonne of books i bought i was simply "not bothered" So this may be a pretty big blogpost, but don't worry i will try my best to make it as interesting as possible (which we both know it won't be)
anyway, going on with the title ' i want a guy like that ' - something heard on the lips of probably every single female at one point in their life or another. Recently i watched an old Hillary duff classic "beauty and the briefcase" most girls went through the hillary duff phase and i certainly was not an exception to this. so right after my exams i thought why not go on a hillary duff marathon. This movie however was one that i hadn't watched. Nonetheless the movie did deliver some "words of wisdom" for all those girls who have drawn up a list in their heads about their ideal guy. Although some may consider it slightly vain making such a list, most girls seek comfort in this mystery man who they have drawn up and will almost always position their latest crush on that pedestal. So now the movie goes as such, a hillary draws up a list of the perfect guy and eventually with a stroke of luck finds him and they end up dating. However due to a cliche turn of events, the place she is interring at she ends up finding "the one" which she doesn't figure out till the end of the movie. However "the one" who is actually her boss ticks nothing off her perfect guy list and is nothing like a man she would ever want. That made me think, we all have this small list if what qualities or features which we would like to see in our significant other but very rarely do we find someone that makes the list, and if in the stroke of luck we manage to find him/her they are probably not what we want. so i guess that was a reminder for me to stuff my mental list of the perfect guy and go with the flow of nature and see what life has in store for me. until then though i will continue to fantasise over book characters that seem perfect haha
on other news i have been fuelling my inner historian with a series of books called the "cousins war" which is basically about the war of roses and the in-depth history and background stories and dear shakespeare has missed. i think after this series i may start reading hamlet, it seems quite interesting.
formal was on friday! and the weather was like my home town London. EFFING DISGUSTING! it was storming and raining and thundering and i really just felt like staying at home and watching a soppy love story rather than dressing up for the formal. But alas i gave in and dressed up and got drenched by the rain. i was expecting formal to be shit (honestly) but it was the most amazing experience ever! i had such a blast dancing and laughing with friends, so thank you MFHS 2013 you guys are truly a magical bunch! onto of that i am quite proud of myself considering i bought my first pair of heels for the formal (you all know i can't walk in them) and i danced in them non stop for 3 hours! and it was only at 1am when i got home did i feel the extent of pain in my feet! but it was an amazing experience! (some formal pics will be attacked below)
so i guess thats about it for now, i will now slither back into bed with my book and coffee and reading the night away
signing off
Forger xo.
anyway, going on with the title ' i want a guy like that ' - something heard on the lips of probably every single female at one point in their life or another. Recently i watched an old Hillary duff classic "beauty and the briefcase" most girls went through the hillary duff phase and i certainly was not an exception to this. so right after my exams i thought why not go on a hillary duff marathon. This movie however was one that i hadn't watched. Nonetheless the movie did deliver some "words of wisdom" for all those girls who have drawn up a list in their heads about their ideal guy. Although some may consider it slightly vain making such a list, most girls seek comfort in this mystery man who they have drawn up and will almost always position their latest crush on that pedestal. So now the movie goes as such, a hillary draws up a list of the perfect guy and eventually with a stroke of luck finds him and they end up dating. However due to a cliche turn of events, the place she is interring at she ends up finding "the one" which she doesn't figure out till the end of the movie. However "the one" who is actually her boss ticks nothing off her perfect guy list and is nothing like a man she would ever want. That made me think, we all have this small list if what qualities or features which we would like to see in our significant other but very rarely do we find someone that makes the list, and if in the stroke of luck we manage to find him/her they are probably not what we want. so i guess that was a reminder for me to stuff my mental list of the perfect guy and go with the flow of nature and see what life has in store for me. until then though i will continue to fantasise over book characters that seem perfect haha
on other news i have been fuelling my inner historian with a series of books called the "cousins war" which is basically about the war of roses and the in-depth history and background stories and dear shakespeare has missed. i think after this series i may start reading hamlet, it seems quite interesting.
formal was on friday! and the weather was like my home town London. EFFING DISGUSTING! it was storming and raining and thundering and i really just felt like staying at home and watching a soppy love story rather than dressing up for the formal. But alas i gave in and dressed up and got drenched by the rain. i was expecting formal to be shit (honestly) but it was the most amazing experience ever! i had such a blast dancing and laughing with friends, so thank you MFHS 2013 you guys are truly a magical bunch! onto of that i am quite proud of myself considering i bought my first pair of heels for the formal (you all know i can't walk in them) and i danced in them non stop for 3 hours! and it was only at 1am when i got home did i feel the extent of pain in my feet! but it was an amazing experience! (some formal pics will be attacked below)
so i guess thats about it for now, i will now slither back into bed with my book and coffee and reading the night away
signing off
Forger xo.
One of my best friends who helps me take stains off my clothes in the middle of formal haha
One of the nicest people i met in high school who on the first day of year 7 asked me "whats your deepest darkest secret" and i got scared
Another one of my best friends that i have made in high school after meeting her in the last hour of year 11 camp
on either side we have two of the most awesome sauce people in the mfhs hood
another one of my best friends who is actually a giraffe and laughs at the word "murga"
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
okay so... guess who finished their hsc? yep me! ITS FINISHED
The moment the BOS person said "HSC Visual Arts candidates your time is up pens down please, close all writing booklets" I just sat there stunned. it still hasn't hit me yet that HSC is over. I feel like I'm on a break today after exams and tomorrow i will get back into studying and that i have a whole new thing to memorise... but i don't.
This feels so odd and surreal :/ but now that i have this massive holiday i can not wait to do all the things i have wanted!
1. master skateboarding
2. learn guitar (i bought a guitar btw guys)
3. read more books
4.move into new bedroom
5. make artworks
6. get healthy!
LOL lets be real no.6 aint going to happen haha! speaking of which i have gained so much weight over this HSC period it is seriously not even funny. my school clothes have become tight and i was in fear that my formal dress would no longer fit me as i bought it back in april but thankfully it does!!
oh and guess what my "forger" snapback finally came in the mail i was so happy haha
so yeah anyways so today was a pretty good day. mainly because HSC is over. did a few art plates in the morning and then went to school at 10am so i can study with my friends. note "studying" yeah we didn't get anything done and we weren't that tensed about it considering it was visual arts and we all everything in our heads. so yeah we basically talked and laughed and enjoyed what was the last time we would ever come together as a class to learn. after the exam we all went out to this place called some memphis grill or something in casula. we arrived at 4pm but the restaurant didn't open until 5pm so we had to sit there for an hour dying of hunger. eventually we finished eating and then we all went home. i talked to one of my best friends who i haven't seen in two years and we planned a whole day out at the city which i am looking forward too! so yeah basically these next 3 months will be amazing and i can't wait! i will be blogging much more regularly now that i have nothing to do with my non socially active life.
signing off, forger. xo.
The moment the BOS person said "HSC Visual Arts candidates your time is up pens down please, close all writing booklets" I just sat there stunned. it still hasn't hit me yet that HSC is over. I feel like I'm on a break today after exams and tomorrow i will get back into studying and that i have a whole new thing to memorise... but i don't.
This feels so odd and surreal :/ but now that i have this massive holiday i can not wait to do all the things i have wanted!
1. master skateboarding
2. learn guitar (i bought a guitar btw guys)
3. read more books
4.move into new bedroom
5. make artworks
6. get healthy!
LOL lets be real no.6 aint going to happen haha! speaking of which i have gained so much weight over this HSC period it is seriously not even funny. my school clothes have become tight and i was in fear that my formal dress would no longer fit me as i bought it back in april but thankfully it does!!
oh and guess what my "forger" snapback finally came in the mail i was so happy haha
so yeah anyways so today was a pretty good day. mainly because HSC is over. did a few art plates in the morning and then went to school at 10am so i can study with my friends. note "studying" yeah we didn't get anything done and we weren't that tensed about it considering it was visual arts and we all everything in our heads. so yeah we basically talked and laughed and enjoyed what was the last time we would ever come together as a class to learn. after the exam we all went out to this place called some memphis grill or something in casula. we arrived at 4pm but the restaurant didn't open until 5pm so we had to sit there for an hour dying of hunger. eventually we finished eating and then we all went home. i talked to one of my best friends who i haven't seen in two years and we planned a whole day out at the city which i am looking forward too! so yeah basically these next 3 months will be amazing and i can't wait! i will be blogging much more regularly now that i have nothing to do with my non socially active life.
signing off, forger. xo.
Sunday, 13 October 2013
HSC tomorrow
So my final exams for high school is about to start tomorrow. yes. the day i have been dreading and thought was far far away has finally come. with less than 24 hours till my first exam i have no idea what to feel. I feel extremely scared but at the same time i feel really excited as well because with each exam i sit i know that i will never have to look or think about that subject again.
All that i am really scared about know is my atar and if i will get into my course. Crossing my fingers i do, but if i don't its not the end of the world. Of course i would love to get into my preferred course in the first go but if i don't i can transfer after first year.
I know you all are quite stressed and that is quite normal but i just want you guys to know that we have worked to our best of abilities till this point and if we just push ourself that little bit more we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. These four digits with a decimal point in between will NOT define our lives. We are so much more than that. Those numbers will never dictate how successful we will become in life or the person who we will become. At the end of the day it all comes down to individual initiative and drive. If you have the drive you can do anything. Maybe you wont be able to accomplish it this time round but you will get there.
Exams start tomorrow and i want to wish each and everyone of you enormous amounts of luck! And just think in a few weeks time all this will be behind us and we will venture into the wide world where we will take on a new identity and pave our futures.
Best wishes and lots of love!
Signing off,
Forger. xo.
All that i am really scared about know is my atar and if i will get into my course. Crossing my fingers i do, but if i don't its not the end of the world. Of course i would love to get into my preferred course in the first go but if i don't i can transfer after first year.
I know you all are quite stressed and that is quite normal but i just want you guys to know that we have worked to our best of abilities till this point and if we just push ourself that little bit more we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. These four digits with a decimal point in between will NOT define our lives. We are so much more than that. Those numbers will never dictate how successful we will become in life or the person who we will become. At the end of the day it all comes down to individual initiative and drive. If you have the drive you can do anything. Maybe you wont be able to accomplish it this time round but you will get there.
Exams start tomorrow and i want to wish each and everyone of you enormous amounts of luck! And just think in a few weeks time all this will be behind us and we will venture into the wide world where we will take on a new identity and pave our futures.
Best wishes and lots of love!
Signing off,
Forger. xo.
Monday, 23 September 2013
Just try and understand
Im only 17, one of the youngest in the year group. When was a kid i had very limited friends because no one would play with me. I used to sit in the corner by myself and only had 2 friends. As I grew older I still had limited friends. Having limited friends growing up always made me think that no one wants to be my friends. The Srestha you see in front of you today has had a wacky child hood. Yes i was blessed in the sense i had awesome parents who loved me and cared for me to death, but when it came to school i was alone. If i ever spoke up my friends would stop talking to me. Perhaps that is why i seek comfort in keeping quiet and to my self. As i grew older i came into a group of friends who were all athletic and could play games. I tried my best, but being the fat indian kid i didnt get far. When playing games like elastcs i would always loose. No one would want me in their team. They made a new position for me "the ghost", the player that is in no ones team but can play. I guess they felt sorry for me. Why wouldn't they. I always stuck to teachers, and perhaps that is why i enjoy talking to my teachers and going to them for help.
It was only in high school that i started to make friends, but even then i remained reserved, never really showing who i was. I have made a few best friends in high school i love to death and who know me for who i am. At school i am a totally different person, the total opposite of who i really am. No one at school besides a few people know my interests, my talents, my likes and my habits. Its a shame that i finished high school and 95% of people dont know who i really am. But that not the point, the point is that lately i have been feeling really down. Yes I am the srestha who always laughs and makes jokes, but is that really me? Looking through my photos i was never a skinny kid, and in this day and age that is so disgusting is seems like being skinny means everything. I am not one to follow fads and to conform, but lately it seems like my mind is going there.
You know it really hurts when you constantly remind me how I'm not skinny and dont look good in this dress and that dress. it hurts when you point out to other people and say that "you could have been like her". I know, i used to play competitive tennis but stopped, i know i used to do piano but stopped, i know i used to sing but stopped, i know i used to dance and then i stopped, i know i started the guitar but stopped. I stopped so many things and do you think it dosent hurt? When i perform on stage, and others clap i feel happy. And then you remind me that if i had practiced more i could have maybe done better. Yes i made mistakes and i didnt study as hard in junior years but i cant turn back times. I am trying my hardest now and its not good enough. I came top 5 is half of my subjects but still you say i could have done better. Why can you never be truly proud. I need all you know the most and it is now that you guys are making me feel like shit. Do you not think i want to walk down the street wearing the pretty dress? Do you not think i want to become successful in life. Being a teenager in the 21st century is hard as hell. I know you have alot of expectations on me and i do try to fulfil them, but i wish you accepted the fact that i cant always be first and i cant always sing the best at concerts.
Im insecure just like every single person in this world. We are all fighting our own battles and it would help if you supported. You say stuff like "dont worry srestha can eat the whole thing", i laugh it off and join in, but have you thought is that actually hurt me? I know im not tall, or skinny or very smart or can sing as well as others but each day i try. You just have to accept me for who i am. I will never be the smartest girl or the skinniest or prettiest girl. I will always be srestha, and i know that this srestha may not be good enough for you but i hope you learn to accept the fact that i did try. i made mistakes and im trying to fix them now. I know that time has been lost and i can never recover those moments. If i could go back in time i would never leave competitive tennis, i would never leave piano or guitar or dancing. I would try better at studies and maybe i would practice singing a bit more. I am who i am today and i am because of these mistakes a much more stronger person. Growing up i was never surrounded by friends who loved me but i found people alone the way that actually do accept me for who i am and love me. I hope they will be here forever. But please, just try too understand, im human to and i am trying.
I know that if i don't get a specific atar you will not be pleased. but what can i do? i am trying. i really am. i just hope that you guys can appreciate the fact that i am trying and now just bitch about me behind my back that i am now studying and that i will get no where in life.
I wish you understood
Singning off,
forger. xo
It was only in high school that i started to make friends, but even then i remained reserved, never really showing who i was. I have made a few best friends in high school i love to death and who know me for who i am. At school i am a totally different person, the total opposite of who i really am. No one at school besides a few people know my interests, my talents, my likes and my habits. Its a shame that i finished high school and 95% of people dont know who i really am. But that not the point, the point is that lately i have been feeling really down. Yes I am the srestha who always laughs and makes jokes, but is that really me? Looking through my photos i was never a skinny kid, and in this day and age that is so disgusting is seems like being skinny means everything. I am not one to follow fads and to conform, but lately it seems like my mind is going there.
You know it really hurts when you constantly remind me how I'm not skinny and dont look good in this dress and that dress. it hurts when you point out to other people and say that "you could have been like her". I know, i used to play competitive tennis but stopped, i know i used to do piano but stopped, i know i used to sing but stopped, i know i used to dance and then i stopped, i know i started the guitar but stopped. I stopped so many things and do you think it dosent hurt? When i perform on stage, and others clap i feel happy. And then you remind me that if i had practiced more i could have maybe done better. Yes i made mistakes and i didnt study as hard in junior years but i cant turn back times. I am trying my hardest now and its not good enough. I came top 5 is half of my subjects but still you say i could have done better. Why can you never be truly proud. I need all you know the most and it is now that you guys are making me feel like shit. Do you not think i want to walk down the street wearing the pretty dress? Do you not think i want to become successful in life. Being a teenager in the 21st century is hard as hell. I know you have alot of expectations on me and i do try to fulfil them, but i wish you accepted the fact that i cant always be first and i cant always sing the best at concerts.
Im insecure just like every single person in this world. We are all fighting our own battles and it would help if you supported. You say stuff like "dont worry srestha can eat the whole thing", i laugh it off and join in, but have you thought is that actually hurt me? I know im not tall, or skinny or very smart or can sing as well as others but each day i try. You just have to accept me for who i am. I will never be the smartest girl or the skinniest or prettiest girl. I will always be srestha, and i know that this srestha may not be good enough for you but i hope you learn to accept the fact that i did try. i made mistakes and im trying to fix them now. I know that time has been lost and i can never recover those moments. If i could go back in time i would never leave competitive tennis, i would never leave piano or guitar or dancing. I would try better at studies and maybe i would practice singing a bit more. I am who i am today and i am because of these mistakes a much more stronger person. Growing up i was never surrounded by friends who loved me but i found people alone the way that actually do accept me for who i am and love me. I hope they will be here forever. But please, just try too understand, im human to and i am trying.
I know that if i don't get a specific atar you will not be pleased. but what can i do? i am trying. i really am. i just hope that you guys can appreciate the fact that i am trying and now just bitch about me behind my back that i am now studying and that i will get no where in life.
I wish you understood
Singning off,
forger. xo
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
So today was graduation. its done its over. mfhs year of 2013 we have frikin done it! 6 years later we stand here today. yes there has been countless bumps and pot holes along the way but we finally did it. throughout these 6 years i have made life long friends who i know i will be with forever. every single one of you, in one way or another have contributed into making the srestha that stands before you. i have never felt such a closeness and bond with so many people. you guys are truly amazing, every single one of you. although we have our differences we gel together as one. there has never ever been a cohort as close as ours and i honestly doubt there ever will be. i would even call it "magical" that we, all 150 of us gel and mix so nicely. 6 years has come to an end and now we face the HSC ahead of us. i know that each and every single once of you will be able to accomplish your dreams. you guys are truly amazing, frikin love you all. thank you for 6 years worth of memories, laughters, tears and smiles. you guys are family. #MFHS2013FAMILY
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Last tuesday of high school
So today was the last tuesday of high school, it was also our informal graduation. The way went pretty well i guess. First period we played cards ^^ my addiction of the game "signal" has only risen and is bound to rise even further haha. I also learnt a new game called "spoon" or "pig" or whatever you call it which was pretty good as well!
Legal studies was pretty fun, we gave Ms.Kensett a watch and took photos. I went crazy on skittles and ate a bunch and then we played celebrity heads which was heaps fun. I remember the last time i played i was in year 6 haha and back then we used to put names like "Hilary duff", "Lindsey Lohan", "chad Michael murry" and all that haha! and today we put stuff like "julian assange" "snooki" "lana del rae"and "whitney houston" haha but yeah that was pretty good.
instead of art we had the rehearsal for our graduation tomorrow which was not bad besides the fact i kept on getting agitated and wanted to eat! last period was informal graduation which was amazing. the speeches were so moving and touching, the performances were mind blowing and the year 12 video was AMAZEBALLS! no words will do justice to it's amazingness haha. a few years were shed but yeah, good tears! i cant wait till tomorrow. i can guarantee there will be many many tears tomorrow! frikin love our grade!
Legal studies was pretty fun, we gave Ms.Kensett a watch and took photos. I went crazy on skittles and ate a bunch and then we played celebrity heads which was heaps fun. I remember the last time i played i was in year 6 haha and back then we used to put names like "Hilary duff", "Lindsey Lohan", "chad Michael murry" and all that haha! and today we put stuff like "julian assange" "snooki" "lana del rae"and "whitney houston" haha but yeah that was pretty good.
instead of art we had the rehearsal for our graduation tomorrow which was not bad besides the fact i kept on getting agitated and wanted to eat! last period was informal graduation which was amazing. the speeches were so moving and touching, the performances were mind blowing and the year 12 video was AMAZEBALLS! no words will do justice to it's amazingness haha. a few years were shed but yeah, good tears! i cant wait till tomorrow. i can guarantee there will be many many tears tomorrow! frikin love our grade!
Monday, 16 September 2013
Last Monday of High School
It is the beginning of the end. The last week of high school. But not only that, but the last week of 13 firkin years of schooling! Last monday. i am so excited and scared at the same time. This past week i have just been eating junk food at class parties, and when i didn't have class parties i crashed others :) haha but yeah i decided that i would document these last few days i spend with you all :) I will divide it period wise and include pictures :) enjoy!
So basically i had to carry 12L of soft drinks in the morning for the art class party but it was so damn worth it, and i will get to that in a second haha. Luckily i got my brother to help me with that.
First period : Maths! We don't do anything in maths at all and this period was no exception! haha so we just all talked and stuff and took class pictures. [in the first pic: the idiot trio, second pic: maths class]
Recess: i gave my presents to Ms. Kensett and Mrs. Mc Dermott which was good!
Second period: Earth and Env Science! well firstly i was the only one there along with Kristen and i was bummed because the rest of my friends dogged me. But then they all started coming along haha. we had to party so we basically walked around the school crashed the physics and business studies party and walked some more. The scariest part of the day was when tishler came to the senior area and saw a bunch of us just sitting. and i nearly died of fear because i had my phone out playing minion rush and i wasn't wearing the school shirt under my jersey. he obviously didn't by it that we were having a formal meeting (which is what we told him). he knew we all skipped class but you know its the last week and were all just having fun and he knows it as well so yeah that was pretty good!
Third period: Legal studies! we had a pizza party which was good and filling. i got the vegetarian pizza because I'm vegetarian on mondays and Tuesdays! we once again took class photos and just chatted along [legal class all looking very sad haha. Also lauren is missing in this pic because she was in the toilet getting changed for barricades]
Lunch: the year 12 cohort had a barricades tournament which was amazing to watch. its the last time we will every play barricades :( loved that game haha. but yeah so we just watched form the stage and cheered on! ppl were getting hit and them falling and yeah, a good game [selective vs communities barricades game! communities won with 2 points and we lost with 0] [ second pic: the three idiots ; Kiran, me and Chantelle]
Last period: Art! i was super excited for this party because Dermo fully planned it from ages ago. she made invitations cards and everything. it was known as "the last supper"! super fun! so Ms decided to decorate the whole thing and it looked AMAZEBALLS! she lined up the tables to make it look like a long dinner table, she had plats and serviettes all decorate nicely! she even went the extra step to make a lotus out of the tissue ahah and yeah we all had out individual place cards with individual arts on it! she gave us all personalised cards and a small painting she did :') it was the most amazing party and gift i had received. the sentimental value just went past the roof! she put in so much effort and it was a blast! loved every single bit of it! the food was amazing too! Oh and the godly caramel tart and double chocolate moose cake was made by our art teacher and tasted amazeballs!
So yeah! that was the day! on the way back yafa dropped me home which was amazing because i had 4 bottles of soft drink left and that weighed a tonne! Chantelle and Kiran were in the car too. Kiran got off at the station and there was a crazy lady who was swearing and throwing her finger up in the air and yeah... she also had a baby with her. how is she allowed to be a parent! anyways! on the way to dropping Chantelle we all laughed in the car and i thought i peed in my pants a little :P haha ( i didn't though, just to clarify) haha but yeah! it was an amazing day and i loved it. the last monday was a blast!

tomorrow is going to be the last tuesday and our informal graduation :) cant wait!
So basically i had to carry 12L of soft drinks in the morning for the art class party but it was so damn worth it, and i will get to that in a second haha. Luckily i got my brother to help me with that.
First period : Maths! We don't do anything in maths at all and this period was no exception! haha so we just all talked and stuff and took class pictures. [in the first pic: the idiot trio, second pic: maths class]
Recess: i gave my presents to Ms. Kensett and Mrs. Mc Dermott which was good!
Second period: Earth and Env Science! well firstly i was the only one there along with Kristen and i was bummed because the rest of my friends dogged me. But then they all started coming along haha. we had to party so we basically walked around the school crashed the physics and business studies party and walked some more. The scariest part of the day was when tishler came to the senior area and saw a bunch of us just sitting. and i nearly died of fear because i had my phone out playing minion rush and i wasn't wearing the school shirt under my jersey. he obviously didn't by it that we were having a formal meeting (which is what we told him). he knew we all skipped class but you know its the last week and were all just having fun and he knows it as well so yeah that was pretty good!
Third period: Legal studies! we had a pizza party which was good and filling. i got the vegetarian pizza because I'm vegetarian on mondays and Tuesdays! we once again took class photos and just chatted along [legal class all looking very sad haha. Also lauren is missing in this pic because she was in the toilet getting changed for barricades]
Lunch: the year 12 cohort had a barricades tournament which was amazing to watch. its the last time we will every play barricades :( loved that game haha. but yeah so we just watched form the stage and cheered on! ppl were getting hit and them falling and yeah, a good game [selective vs communities barricades game! communities won with 2 points and we lost with 0] [ second pic: the three idiots ; Kiran, me and Chantelle]
Last period: Art! i was super excited for this party because Dermo fully planned it from ages ago. she made invitations cards and everything. it was known as "the last supper"! super fun! so Ms decided to decorate the whole thing and it looked AMAZEBALLS! she lined up the tables to make it look like a long dinner table, she had plats and serviettes all decorate nicely! she even went the extra step to make a lotus out of the tissue ahah and yeah we all had out individual place cards with individual arts on it! she gave us all personalised cards and a small painting she did :') it was the most amazing party and gift i had received. the sentimental value just went past the roof! she put in so much effort and it was a blast! loved every single bit of it! the food was amazing too! Oh and the godly caramel tart and double chocolate moose cake was made by our art teacher and tasted amazeballs!
tomorrow is going to be the last tuesday and our informal graduation :) cant wait!
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