Friday 17 February 2012

4th week and im already cramming

So we have come to the end of yet another schooling week that gets me closer to my final exams. Its only week four and i feel the pressure on my shoulders. My biology teacher says im working to hard and will burn my self out she reccomends me taking my dog out for a walk fro 30mins each day. I only did 8 minutes each day so my teacher assignment my dear friend Andrew to accompany me in dog walking and to report to her if i actually went. Haha. We also have a Legal inclass essay which i am bascially freaking out about. This is my first legal essay and i have no idea what im doing and if im doing it right. Its killing me! Im confident with my sciences, i can ace those but its legal and english that posses as a threat to me. This would seem very weird to people as most people who know me know that i LOVE english and anythign to do with it. Yet i am suddenly so terrified failing it. *Sigh* I have so much work to do and the main thing going around my head is this essay. I droped chemistry and took up Earth and Evniornemnt, which is very interesting! However i have to catcup up 50 pages worth of stuff that the whole class did. My maths teacher showed me a cheats way of answering quetsions which was pretty coool. I love my maths teacher he makes maths just that much more fun. Haha, i have this weird guy in my Maths class who i spend most of my time laughing at. But with good reason ofcourse, he does teh most stupidest things like he put a "thetah" where there is a square, clearly indicating that its a right angle and thus 90degrees. But no, this guy puts a thetah anyway and trys figguring the answer out. He soent 2 whole lessons on it until he came to a conlcustion that no, thetah does not go there insted it goes on teh adjacent side. I have no life, my recess and lunches are spent running around to different facultys to get teachers to maek my work and give me feed back. The time i have to spare im in the seniors room studying, unless its thursday then im in teh art room making artworks. Ahhhh i dont know what to do!  Theres a UN Youth camp coming up for yrs 9-12 and im going WOOT WOOT im very excited! Its about teh middle east which is one of my most favourite subjects of all time. Its hpefully going to be some awesome 3 days! I have to debate there, no idea how thats going to go. I wanna make some new friends as well, maybe meet my potensial mason? haha, i dont knw. I have no time to write in my diary thats annoying me. I m so stressed out i need to take a break from things but i cant i have to much on my plate and to little time to consume it! Help?

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