Sunday 4 August 2013

A little motivation for you all

Guys... trials are tomorrow (im addressing this to mfhs 2013, apologies to my other friends and family who read this). Even though trials are tomorrow and we are all shitting our selves i just wanted to let you guys know that everything is going to me all right. I know that this seems like the be all and end all and that if we don't get high marks its going to be the end of the world, but the truth it its not. I know that when you read that you think "yeah right" but guys look im in the same position as you and so is another 150 (approx) yr 12's. Although we all have different goals and ambitions we will be able to achieve this. We all need a little bit of a push and sometimes it helps coming from someone else. I know that for some of you that is reading this i am as close to you but i believe in you and i know that you will be able to do it. we all will. whatever you want to do in life and wherever you want to be at the end of the day you will be able to reach that destination. trial period is no doubt going to stress you out but remember that it isn't the end of the world. since year 7 we have come over obstacles whether it be about friends, family, school or studies. take a look back. we have overcome each and every obstacle and we stand here today. at the time when we faced those obstacles we thought that they were the biggest thing ever and that this was the end but it wasn't. no obstacle will ever be "the end". these trials may seem daunting but these are just another small obstacle we will overcome in order to  achieve our goals. And plus, 5 years down the track these marks wont matter, our atar wont matter. if we don't get in, in our first go we can always get in the second. fall down 7 times and stand up 8. i know you guys can do it. we all can. and although i may not be close to you but if you do feel stressed you can come and chat to me. i will try to make you laugh.

goodluck guys i know you can do it. dont give up. ever. 

Signing off 
Forger. xo. 

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